The Final Word about Baha’ism and Polygamy

Thursday, 04 May 2017 19:27 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

(Arabic text)Baha’is are allowed to keep two wives

Here is my translation from the Arabic version of Ketabe Aghdas.

Sec 57: “Follow the Sonat [that mean culture but my Palestinian translator believe he is attacking Soni’s], but not the old people, and not the ignorant. God wrote that you should get married, do not you ever think about going over two women [wives]. And if the guy is satisfied [with one], it is better for you and her.”

By that there is no more argument has left that polygamy is legal in Baha’ism up to two wives. My only question is how come Bahaullah had 3 wives. 


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