Grand Mufti of India – Janab Abdullah Bukhari

Monday, 15 May 2017 19:44 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


A question was posed to the grand mufti of the Jame Masjid in Delhi, Janab Abdullah Bukhari Sahab about the concept of the advent of another prophet after the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh). The question expressly asked his view on the Baha’i Faith and the permissibility of marrying a Baha’i.

In his reply, the Grand Mufti said, “The person who accepts the coming of another prophet after the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) is a Kafir. The Holy Prophet of Islam is the last prophet and messenger. This is proved from the Holy Quran and from traditions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The one who believes other than this is Kafir.

The Baha’i Faith is also considered as Kafir by scholars. Thus marrying a man or woman from the Baha’i Faith is not correct from the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat.

This reply is correct.


Abdullah Bukhari

3rd Rabius Thaani 1407 AH”


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