The Pahlavi Regime And Baha’ism

Monday, 05 February 2018 13:27 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

The sinister Pahlavi regime which came to power with the patronage of British colonialism and continued its vicious life through the support of the criminal U.S. , had always been referred to as an anti-popular, anti-Islamic regime serving the interests of imperialism and Zionism. During the Pahlavi regime, the Baha’is mostly belonged to the wealthy class of the society and it was clear for all that not only the Baha’is were being supported by the regime but in fact were ruling over the country themselves. The deposed Pahlavi regime had even taken a humble stand towards the Baha’is and although their activities were against the constitution since it had only stipulated enforcement of Islamic rules, the Shah (king) would treat them as other religious minorities and in some cases he would give priority to their affairs rather than those related to the Muslims.(1)



Amir Abbas Hoveyda


This reality would not be forgotten that Amir Abbas Hoveyda, a Baha’i-Zionist agent, ruled over the affairs nb for thirteen years as the prime minister of a Muslim country. Hoveyda’sfather, Mirza Habibollah Einolmolk, was Abdol Baha’swriter and steward but after a while joined the Foreign Ministry and was commissioned to propagate Baha’ism in Arab countries.



Edward Granville Brown


On Hoveyda’s father, who had been previously known as Mohammad Reza Shirazi, Edward Brown has written: “Mohammad Reza Shirazi was one of Bahaullah’s confidants who, after Bahaullah, had the responsibility of safeguarding the secrets of Baha’ism.’ ( 2 )

In 1920, Einolmolk’s son was born and he requested Abbas Afandi (Abdol Baha) to let him call his son after him and later added ‘Amir’ to the beginning thus, the son was called Amir Abbas.


Activities of Baha’is in Shiraz



Shiraz ( Iran )

At 6:30 p.m. on May 28, 1968, the commission Nafahat Allah (God’s Bestowals) had a meeting at circle No. 4 situated in the Nawab religious theater at the residence of Assadollah Qodsian.Speaker of the session, Abbas Aqdassi said:



The Court Minister Assadollah Alam



” His Excellency the Court Minister Assadollah Alam has been very graceful to us specially his Excellency Amir Abbas Hoveyda, who is Baha’i (by origin). May God bestow them the status of eldermanship of the Baha’is. They are requested to hand over a report of their activities to Beit-ul Adl A’zam ( UHJ ). His eminence Bahaollah has stated: “The Israeli government in the course of the 1967 war has been recognized as the world champion. We, the Baha’i community, admire this beloved nation of the Jews and are quite happy that they are compiling plans for there vitalization of Iran. The progress and success of we the Baha’is is indebted to the fact that we have our own spies in each Iranian office and ministry and each week when the proposed plans are reported to Shahanshah Aryamehr ( King of Iran ) by the government, reports reach the Baha’i clerical circles on the related plans. For instance, in the ‘contractor council’, the Baha’i staff would provide a daily report on the activities of the Iranian army, on how arms were imported into Iran and how the paracheutists received training, and would hand the reports over to the clerical circle of the Baha’is. Hoveyda’s presence in many other Baha’i meetings has also been reported.(4 )

As soon as the Baha’is were appointed to key positions in the country and held control of the major part of the state economy, they would no more try to deny their fabricated creed whereas before they would refrain from openly expressing their ideological views. A proof to the case is the 1966 general census during which the Bahia leaders instructed all the Baha’is to officially announce their religion when questioned by the actuaries. But, since Baha’ism had not been officially recognized in the country, officials in charge of the general census, apparently being scared of the wrath of the Muslim Iranians who still considered Baha’ism as a misleading creed, in a circular issued to all the governors-general and governors, instructed them to refrain from mentioning the term ‘Bahia’ under the column ‘religion‘. However, Dr. Shahpour Rasekh, a hard-core Bahia who for years had served as the head of the Statistics Center and Deputy Plan and Budget Organization, despite the instructions mentioned his religion as Bahia.(5) The story of defraudation of the Baha’is on dividing Showqi Afandi’s inheritance and their various cases in judicial courts, further reveals Bahia connections with the former regime.

Political and economic influence of the Baha’is over the deposed Pahlavi regime is so clear that no one could have the slightest doubt about it. To further unveil their penetration in political affairs and their involvement in an issue termed ‘freemasonry-Baha’ism’ (which would befurther elaborated later), it is sufficient only to review the agenda of the normal annual session of the general assembly of Omana company in 1967:

The annual session of the general assembly of Omana company was held following an advertisement printed in the edition 7146 of the daily Kayhan on May 30, 1968.(6) The official organ of the imperial government, No. 4696 dated May 20, 1968, the session was held at 18:00 hours Tuesday May 30, 1968 at the office of the company located in Manuchehri Avenue, Arbab Jamshid Alley, No. 37, in the presence of all the share holders (with names of19 participants). Since the number of participants reached the required maximum, the session was officially opened to elect the chairman and the secretary, and as a result,engineer Abdolhussein Taslimi (a relative of Manuchehr Taslimi, president of Abu Sina freemasonry lodge and commerce minister in Hoveyda’s government was electedchairman and Fathollah Ferdowsi as the secretary. Then deliberations were held over the agenda.

1. Brigadier General Ataollah Moqarrebi, a member of the board of directors, presented a comprehensive report over the activities of the company and also reported on the 1967 balance sheet.

…Since the four-year period of office of the board of directors has terminated, therefore, elections were held for the nomination of the functioning members as well as for the substitutes. The result was as follows:



Ali-Muhammad Varqa

1. Major general Sho’aollah Alaei

2. AH Mohammad Varqa

3. Brigadier General Ataollah Moqarrebi

These three persons were elected as the functioning members of the board of directors for a period of four years…Brigadier General Moqarrebi, ( later promoted to the rank of Major General) a member of the board of directors of Omana company, was executed on charges of spying for the Soviet Union, in January 1978.Among the functioning members of the board, names of three high-ranking army officers could be seen which is an indication to the deep penetration of Baha’ism in the army with regard to the fact that Omana company used to be one of the Bahia organizations. Also, another SAVAK report on the Baha’is reads as follows:

Report No. H 11181-1350/5/19, in a meeting with the participation of twelve Baha’is, Mr. Farhangi said: “Baha’is are quite successful in Muslim states and could gain whatever advantages they wish to. All the capitals in banks in Iran belong to the Baha’is and the Jews who own all the skyscrapers in Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan. Economic wheels in this country are run by the Baha’is and the Jews. Hoveyda himself is a Bahia. A member of the secret police at the imperial court is trying to convict Hoveyda but he is one of the servitors of Baha’ism. This year he donated 15,000 tomans ( Rials 150,000 ) to our circle. Gentlemen, do not let Muslims overcome difficulties.”


1 . For Instance Baha’ism & the pahlavi regime Baha’ism &the pahlavi regime of the Baha’is and transfer of lands to certain people and illegal transactions through their specialbanks called “Nonahalan”.

2 . See Baha’ism Narrated by History, by Bahram Afrasyabi,page 293,

and Material for the Study of Babi Religion, page 20

3 . Baha’ism Narrated by History, page 241

4 . Baha’ism Narrated by History

5 . Division in Baha’ism , by Ismaell Raein , page 243

6 . Baha’ism narrated by History, page 264-5





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