Why Iranian people does not like the Baha’i Faith?

Thursday, 31 October 2019 19:16 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

There are a number of reasons:

1- In the middle of the eighteenth century a man called the Bab started making messianic claims in Iran. His laws were a mixture of extreme forms of violence and forced child marriage:

“the mass slaughter of non-believers, the destruction of books and shrines, compulsory marriage at the age of 11, the confiscation of the property of unbelievers, and the prohibition on travel except for purposes of trade.” https://bahai-library.com/maceoin_deconstructing_sharia

After his followers caused a great deal of mischief in Iran, he was executed and three civil wars ensued with his followers who were trying to implement his laws in Iran. Luckily the government crushed the fanatics. Baha’is greatly revere this man and pay tribute to him by celebrating his birthday and visiting his shrine.

2- After the Babis were crushed by the government, the remaining Babi leaders plotted to assassinate the Shah of Iran. All were executed except for one bloke by the name of Mirza husayn Ali Nuri, AKA, Baha’u’llah, the founder of Baha’ism. He was saved due to threats by the Russians of laying Iran to ruins:

“”If a hair is lost from His sacred Head, Iran’s future will be in ruins, the flames of war will rage, and they will burn even the stones and the bricks” https://bahai-library.com/ashchi…

Today Baha’is continuously spread propaganda against Iran claiming that they have historically been persecuted in Iran, while historically their leaders were a violent people who caused much mischief and suffering for the Iran populace. These are only a few of the reasons that Baha’is have a bad reputation in Iran.





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