Articles (713)
Although Ayatollah Boroujerdi
Although Ayatollah Boroujerdi rarely asked anything from Mohammad Reza Shah, but he asked him to be serious against Baha’ism.
“Islamic scholars have issued a fatwa [religious announcement] against the Baha’i faith, declaring it to be separate from the religion of Islam and a form of blasphemy. If any Muslim follows the Baha’i faith, he is considered an apostate.
The 14th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 22nd-23rd October 1985 has discussed the Baha’i doctrine. The Conference decided that the Baha’i doctrine is not part of Islam. Muslims involved in this teaching are deemed as apostates. Therefore, Muslims are prohibited from following this teaching and anyone involved in it must denounce it at once and repent.
Question No. 71346:
What is the thought and belief of Bahaiyat? What is the difference between them and other Muslims?
The respected Hujjatul Islam, Abdul Kareen Qausari, who hails from Najaf, Iraq has the following view on The Bahai Faith.
Islam is a religion that abrogates all previous religions, and it is the seal of religions as God says: “Whoso desired any other religion than Islam, that religion shall never be accepted from him, and in the next world he shall be among the lost”
(Ref: Chapter of Ale Imran, verse 85)