The Baha’is and policy “meddling or not”, the change in the position of the Baha’ism organization

Saturday, 22 January 2022 06:53 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 The increase in the presence of the Baha’is in policy which can be investigated by identifying the presence of these elements in seditions inside the country shows that the Baha’i leaders have been afflicted by contradictions in speech and action. Returning to back, we will observe that the Baha’ism organization changed the teaching of the lack of meddling with policy by the Baha’is in policy to the prohibition of meddling with policy in policies pertaining to party in the message dated Isfand, 12, 1391 S.H. . Then, it tried to perk meddling with policy and participating at elections and etc. as legitimate according to Baha’ism using justifications.[1] However, all of these actions shows the fall of the universal house of justice foundation to a political party.

The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the universal house of justice sent a message dated Isfand 12, 1391 S.H. to the Baha’is of Iran and determined the political gait of its followers to achieve its golden era for creating the Baha’ism government. At the beginning of this message, the Baha’ism organization changed the clear teaching of the lack of the Baha’is presence in policy into the prohibition of meddling with the policies pertaining to party. Then using 10 page justifications it tried to perk meddling with policy and participating at elections and cooperation with organizations and social activists as legitimate according to Baha’ism.

In investigating this message of the foundation of the universal house of justice, two notes are necessary to be investigated:

1)   If we compare the justification of the leadership foundation of Baha’ism with the texts remained from the Baha’i leaders (concerning the prohibition of opposing to rulers, obeying them merely, declaring the “lack of meddling with policy” and considering policy as pestilence as the criteria for being the Baha’i)[2], we will figure out that the Baha’ism organization has deviated from the exact texts of the Baha’i leaders. As a matter of fact, how can a Baha’i person meddle with the political affairs and possess the criterion for being a Baha’i introduced by Abdul Baha as the lack of meddling with policy[3]?

Isn’t it the deviation of the Baha’ism leaders’ speech[4]?!

2)   Changing the concept of meddling with policy to meddling with the affairs pertaining to party, the Baha’ism organization has removed the theological barrier of its elements for meddling with policy and penetrating into the governmental pillars and has intended to prevent attracting the Baha’is towards non-Baha’is and to control them by the universal house of justice forever.


[1] The message dated Isfand, 12, 1391 S.H., of the leadership foundation of the universal house of justice addressing the Baha’is of Iran.

[2] Hussein Ali, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 93, paragraph 95; Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 3rd edition, 128 Badi’a, pp. 463-464.

[3] Ibid, p. 337.

[4] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, p. 341.


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