Abdul Baha, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 09:31 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Abdul Baha has advised his followers to support his father, Hussein Ali Baha’s faith; that is Baha’ism and to proselytize for it. He has advised his followers not to fight with each other and be kind.

On page 14, will tablets, he writes: “O’ divine disciples, it is forbidden for you to fight during this holy period of time. You must be kind with familiar tribes or aliens, to such an extent that alien senses he/she is familiar and enemy consider him/herself as friend… .


Abdul Baha’s tablet of wills, p. 4


Abdul Baha has continued to say his followers on page 15 in will tablets: “So, O’ my affectionate disciples, transact with all nations, tribes, folks, and religions truly, honestly, kindly and with loyalty in order for the world to be full of the Baha’i grace and for ignorance and enmity to be removed out of the earth.”

Abdul Baha’s tablets of wills, page 15.

A person who reads or listens to these statements will say: These pure statements are said by a God’s guardian and they have been surely implemented, but by investigating Abdul Baha’s life we will figure our\t that he hasn’t acted them and he hasn’t include the Baha’i opponents in the limit of humanity and has been his brother, Muhammad Ali’s enemy.

At death time, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri has announced two offspring called Abbas Abdul Baha and Muhammad Ali as his successors respectively and has called his followers to obey them. He writes in Ahdi tablet, p. 402:

 “God has ordained for Muhammad Ali’s position to be after Abdul Baha’s. Surely, we elected Muhammad Ali for succession after Abbas Abdul Baha ordered by knowing and aware God.


the collection of the Blessed Tablets of Bahaullah, p. 402


However; as soon as Abdul Baha gained power of the chairmanship of the Baha’ism, he deprived his brother of succession and appointed his grandson Shoqi Effendi as his successor.


Mirza Ali Muhammad Nouri


Abdul Baha writes in the tablets of wills, p. 4 concerning the boycotting his brother Muhammad Ali:

“O’ those who are resolute in covenant, because Muhammad Ali violated the covenant and became deviant from the faith and tampered with the book verses and damaged God’s religion… O’ God’s disciples, Mirza Muhammad Ali became separated from this blessed tree because he is the center of violating the divine texts.”


page 4, the tablets of wills of Abdul Baha


Abdul Baha writes about the reason for boycotting his brother Muhammad Ali on page 22, tablets of wills:


page 22, the tablets of wills of Abdul Baha


“You know what the center of violating did. He deviated the book. Thank God, all know testified by his brother Mirza Badiullah firmly that this is one of his sins…

Abdul Baha also threatens those Baha’is who are living in Acre and Haifa to boycott him openly or in hidden and not to have social intercourse with him!

page 23, Abdul Baha’s tablets of wills

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