The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran eradicated the influence of Baha’ism in Iran (part 1)

Tuesday, 01 February 2022 09:52 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


They consequence of the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people has been the removal of the influence of Baha’ism from Iran.

The Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people triumphed in Bahman 22, 1357 S.H. (Rabiul Awwal 13, 1399 A.H.) after 15 years struggle and tolerating numerous hardship headed by the supreme leader of Shia world Imam Khomeini (P.H.)

During 16-year government of Reza Khan Pahlavi and 37-year one of his son, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, the religion of Islam as the formal religion of the country was considered as obtrusive for the father and son, Pahlavi and clergymen were assumed as critics although they were openly proselytizing and explaining the religion of Islam.

The system of religion making of Colonialism made cults in the countries in order to prevent the Islamic territory and dividing them into small and weak governments in order to exploit them economically.

According to the existent document, the deviant cult of Baha’ism has been the formal vassalage of Russia and England.

The influence of Baha’ism during the 1st Pahlavi

Reza Shah Pahlavi imposed his despotic government on the Iranian people during the years 1304 S.H. to 1320. These period considered with the chairmanship of Shoqi Effendi in the world’s Baha’i community. Shoqi Effendi has studied at Oxford university; England. According to historical documents, the role of Baha’ism in 3rd of Isfand cope 1299 S.H. which caused Muhammad Reza Pahlavi to gain power.

The involvement of Baha’ism in assassinating martyr Modarres and disunity among the members of jungle movement are indicating the role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the first Pahlavi period of time.

During 37 years of the second Pahlavi, the Baha’ism cult grew incredibly although it had been stopped after the execution of Bab and exiling Baha. The tendency towards removing Islam in the country was founded. The number of theological schools decreased from 282 to 206 and the scholars of these schools decreased to one seventh. Unveiling was one of the bitterest events happened for the religion of Islam in the Iranian country.


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