The program expert claimed in his speeches: “The social facts are advancing and that all of us including Baha’is have concluded that now, the social fact should be aware of the worldwide citizen not the national and ethnic one doesn’t negate this statement that; for instance, in 18th and 19th century nationalism has been an advanced debate as the planet citizen may be an ideal fact 2 centuries later… we have to follow a new social fact and that is what the Excellency Bahaullah has wished; that is, the new awareness as a worldwide citizen.[1]”
The two following notes prove that the claim of the worldwide citizen by the Baha’ism cult which has been posed by the program expert is vain and null.
1. Although Baha’i are the innovators of the concept of the unity of the hu8man world by their leader entitled the worldwide citizen; but their leaders’ works contradict this claim. Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) claims for the unity of the human world[2] and on the other side calls non-Baha’is as animals “Those who aren’t Baha’i are animal.[3] Additionally, he says: “A person who calls our opposed people as humans, S/he will be deprived of the merciful graces.[4]” so, how is it possible for Hussein Ali Nouri who possess racism thoughts to preach unity among the world people. How can he be considered as the innovator of the worldwide citizen?!
2. Even if we ignore the contradictions in the claim by the Baha’i heads, Hussein Ali Nouri and the Baha’ism cult won’t be the innovators of the slogan of the unity among human beings because Islam has specified the unity and the equality among people: “O’ mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you in the sight of God is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is knower, Aware,
یا ایها الناس انا خلقناکم مِنْ ذکر و انثی و جعلناکُم شُعُوباً و قبائلَ لتعارِفوا اِنَّ اکرَمَکُم عِندَ اللهِ اَتقاکُم اِنَّ اللهَ عَلیمٌ خبیرٌ [حجرات/ 13]