Mehdi Khodabakhshi said: “The judicial commands were issued in order to confront the illegal and immoral activities of the managers of cyberspace pages and also the preachers of modeling in Mashhad city who have misused the social networks to expand trite photos in the cyberspace.”
He continued: “Expanding and preaching the immodest photos and preaching sedition and lust, they are preaching the western lifestyle and trying to destroy the religious principles and values in the society.”
The judge Khodabakhshi declared: “The main managers of organized modeling networks were captured and summoned to the court among whom there were 3 men and 3 women. Some of them were of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.
On 1395/7/14, VOA has announced the news in order to pretend the Baha’is are oppressed; but apparently the news providers were unaware of this issue that modelling is an illegal and criminal action in the Islamic Republic of Iran and it isn’t different whether a Muslim person commit the action or non-Muslim.
The managers of the network believe that the Baha’i person must to free because he/she is a Baha’i one, if s/he commits a crime, a measure against the human right will be done.
The question is that:
Where are the defenders of the human rights while the kids in Yemen are being killed by the American weapons?