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The plan for the king Nasiruddin Qajar’s assassination  

Monday, 20 February 2017 10:16 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



     Nine months after Neyraz event in Fars province, the Babis took another measure against king Naseruddin. After slaughtering, they quit fighting for a period of time; but they were inactive outwardly. They planned secretly because they couldn’t work openly. The leaders of their movement were Mulla Ali Torshizi entitled “The Execellency Azim” whom Bab claimed for Mahdism in his presence[1] and Hajji Soleyman Khan who was one of the members of the king formality office.    (Naseruddin Shah)

     Under the leaderships of these two people, the Babis of the capital city of Iran got ready to create a coup to dominate the government after killing the king and scholars and dignitaries of the city and dominating the city and artilary.[2]

     The Baha’i source try to exclude Baha cooperating and collaborating in Qajar king’s assassination. They even believe he disagreed the action. Baha himself claimed so, too. The mentioned sources claim Baha disagreed Sheikh Ali Azim’s decision concerning king Naseruddin’s assassination and also prevented him doing so. However, Sheikh Ali Azim didn’t accept Baha’s advice (In spite of his devotion to Baha). Anyway, first, Baha mustn’t have disagreed with Sheikh Ali Azim’s decision having backgrounds in cooperating with Babi rioters.  Second, according to history not only Baha agreed with Shah’s assassination on the lunar of Shawwal, 1268 A.H. but also he had a vital role in the adventure.

     With regard to obligatory and violent commandments of Bab (concerning the necessity for Babis measure in killing the opponents of Babi faith and seizing their properties and burning their books), if Hussein Ali Baha were one of the believers and honest followers of Bab, he must have performed these commandments. He had tried to make those who were in charge of killing the third martyr free from Qazvin and Tehran prisons and to support the armed rioters in the Tabarsi fort. It means that Baha hasn’t been able to disagree with Naseruddin Shah’s assassination (Bab’s murder and the suppression of Babi riot had been done during Naseruddin Shah’s kingdom). The political suitability and considered policies after the assassination has caused Baha and his disciples to change the adventure intentionally. (In short-term period: To make Baha free from the prison and in long-term period: convincing the Qajar king not to prevent Baha’is being active in Iran)

     Bahram Afrasyabi narrates the event in the book “The comprehensive history of Baha’ism”: in the plane for assassinating Naseruddin Shah, all the details were predicted including the place of assassination, the time, the king of weapon and other things. Two people were elected to do the job. One of them called Muhammad Sadeq and the other is unknown. Naseruddin Shah was accustomed to recreating and hunting in Shemiran heights. The polace servants reported the Babi assembly about the time when Naseruddin Shah was hunting. The king headed off to hunt on the lunar month of Shawwal, 28, 1268 A.H. according to the predicted program:

     … Shah was accustomed to traverse a course alone. At once, too people came out of a lurking-place and shouted like complainants and prosecutors:

    O’ king! Help us, the government employees are tyrannizing us. We have written our detailed complaint on this sheet of paper. We beg you to consider our case and behave us based on your favor and grace.

     Shah stopped his horse to take the letter of complaint. Then, one of them take his gun out of his pocket quickly and shot towards the king. His friend attacked to the king with a dagger.

     The king grasped his arm immediately and started defending himself. At that time, the king’s servants approached the place because they had heard the gun’s report. They observed that the king was busy defending himself against the surprise attacks and he was to be killed. The first person who prevented the king being killed was Muhammad Mahdi Tabrizi who was in charge of the chairmanship of soldiers drilling.

     When he arrived, he pierced his dagger into the first person’s arm. Then, he tore the person’s stomach. Next, he stroke his friend on the ground. Then, the watchmen approached and captured the second person who had been injured. They inquired him to know the heads who were in charge of assassination. After that they killed the second person, too. The king was taken to the palace; but nobody knew he was injured. When the king wanted to change his cloth, it got clear that the king had been shot and injured; but the injury wasn’t dangerous. It was reported to the capital city that the has been murdered. Suddenly, the people of Tehran city were excited and gathered. That day was the day of public gathering. People close the shops of the market and were armed.

     In order to make people relaxed and calm, the chansellor suggested the king to rid the horse and to turn round the city streets.

     E’tezad-al-Saltaneh writes in this regard:

     “According to the chansellor’s expediency Shah returned to the city from Niyavaran palace. When he arrived the city he rode his brown horse and passed the most famous city streets. Then, people got relaxed. Next, the king returned his palace and was cured.

     After that event, a public assembly was held in which people of all walks of life participated. It was specified that all Babis must be killed. They used a notebook which had been found in Soleyman Khan’s house to identify the Babis. The notebook was revealed by one of the people belonged to king assassination gang who had been captured. After the event, the order for capturing all Babis was issued. The Babis were brought one by one or in group and imprisoned; so that, the list was completed. Then, they were turned round the city and executed. Soleyman Kahn explained the event.

     When Soleyman Khan was brought, his body was pierced and lighted candles were put in each hole. His face was blackened by soot. He was turned round the market. It was surprising that he possessed a strong morale. Then, he was cleaved lengthwise in two parts. Next, each side of mutton was hung on the city gates –this action is rarely done in the world- Soleyman Khan was Farrokh Khan’s brother. Farrokh Khan’s grandfather was cut to pieces by Babis in Zanjan event and was made fire.

     At that time, Tehran city was in nervous and anxious conditions for two weeks. In the event, nearly four hundred Babis were murdered and dozens of Babis who weren’t really ones turned against Babism and joined them. For this reason, there was no place for Babism after that event.[3]

     Making an attempt on Naseruddin Shah’s life event is considered as a turning point in Babi history. After the event, the severe oppression of Babis inside Iran started. Then, all Bab’s followers along with two most outstanding leaders such as Hussein Ali Nouri and Miza Yahya Nouri were expelled from Iran. It is essential to be noted that Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri had been captured and imprisoned due to his role he played in planning Shah’s assassination.[4] He got free after four months by the Russian ambassador helps and headed to Baqdad city. The other Babis went to Baqdad city headed by Mirza Yahya Nouri. Form that juncture bon the trend of Babi movement change into the Baha’i cult started and the alien interferences were revealed in the movement.

     The Baha’i source try to inculcate this note that the reason for Baha’s freedom from Naseruddin Shah’s prison was that the Iranian government and Shah himself were convinced during Bab’s inquiry and trial that Baha hasn’t played any role in assassination event and he was eventually freed! For instance, Abul Fazl Golpaygani (the former Baha’i proselytizer) writes: “In fact, the reason for Baha’s freedom was the one revealed and proved for the king that Baha wasn’t aware of the plan at all.[5]

     Baha’s claim (at the time of capture and trial) concerning not intervening in Naseruddin Shah’s assassination which resemble to a person’s attempt accused in participating in a burdensome crime in order to exculpate himself is quite understandable (Read: The murder of the greatest political official in the country: Shah) (Because if the crime were proved, a great punishment such as execution or at least life imprisonment would be written for him). For this reason, the Baha’i authors reject the role of their Baha’i leader in the Qajar king assassination. Paying attention to records and the political and proselytizing expediencies of the cult, we can conclude the following motivations and reasons for the Baha’i authors’ rejections:

1)   Weakening the most important role, supports, pressures and threats of prince Dalgourki (the Russian ambassador) in making Baha free from the prison and execution.

2)  Removing Baha’s records in killing which followed the following aims:

a)  Exculpating Baha in participating in the Qajar king’s assassination to prove that Baha’is weren’t hazardoust for the Qajar system of government (and other governmental regimes) and to remove the obstacles Baha’is to cooperate with the government.

b)  To change Baha’s real face as a killer in order for their peaceful slogans to be pretended as the real ones.

     Investigating the issue concerning the judicial experiences, we should say that the interests and expediencies of the Baha’i elements are hidden in this rejection. Consequently, their remarks and statements regarding the issue is logical spiteful. On the other side, some evidence (we will discuss about them in details) indicate that Baha has cooperated with the agents of assassination. Thus, we should be careful about Baha’s claim regarding this issue.

     The following historical evidence indicate that Baha has had a crucial role in Naseruddin Shah’s assassination:

1)   The historical sources (both Baha’i and non-Baha’i ones) say that Mahd Oliya (Naseruddin Shah’s mother) was severely suspicious of Baha and urged Baha being punished severely. Nabil Zarandi (the famous and formal Baha’i historian) writes: “After the assassination of her son, Mahd Oliya became4 really furious and introduced Baha and Mirza Agha Khan, the chancellor as the main and real impellers of Shah’s assassination.[6]” He also writes: “Naseruddin’s mother was constantly crying and screaming and calling the court heads to go and kill Bahaullah. He is the main impeller and the real cause in my son’s case. The other people aren’t the main causes. He is the real enemy of my son. My heart won’t find confort unless you kill him. The country won’t quiet down, too.[7] Surely, Mahd Oliya had had the acceptable reasons and documents for this accusation; particularly this fact that she accused Mirza Agha Khan Nouri of cooperating in the assassination plan. Regarding this fact that Nouri was Mahd Oliya’s old friend and colleague, it is concluded that Mahd Oliya’s accusation of him isn’t due to hostility; but it is due to the evidence possessed by Mahd Oliya against Nouri.

2)  Mahd Oliya’s severe belief in the Baha’s main role in the king’s assassination plan is confirmed by Ezziyeh Khanom’s remarks (Baha’s elder sister and Abbas Effendi’s paternal aunt)[8] stated in the famous epistle called Tanbihunnaemin.[9] Ezziyeh Khanom (who agree with Hussein Ali Baha in believing in Bab) specifies and confirms the participation and order of Baha in the abortive assassination of the king Naseruddin in the mentioned epistle (which has been written addressing her nephew Abbas Effendi criticizing Hussein Ali Baha’s statements and behavior). She also opposes severely the assassinations done by his order against his rivals and Babi opponents in Iraq. (after being exiled from Iran) According to Baha’s sister, the abortive assassination of the Iranian king which created many hazards for the Bab’s followers wasn’t the first Bab’s measure in this regard. Before that date, Baha had taken several actions to assassinate the king which had remained abortive.

3)  According to Ezziyeh Khanom’s remarks, the plan for the king’s assassination had been projected by Baha previously. (Sobhi Azal wasn’t aware) Baha had given Karim Khan Mafi Qazvini (one of Ali Muhammad Bab’s followers) fifty. Tumans, horse, sword and gun to kill the king; but he had received them and escaped to Islambul. After being disappointed, Baha commissioned Muhammad Sadeq Neyrizi to murder Naseruddin Shah in Niyavaran; but he wasn’t successful. Following the event, the Babi terrorists and heads (including Baha) were captured and nearly 802 Babis were murdered.

     According to Ezziyeh Khanom: After returning from Badasht [Shahroud city] and ending the war in Sheikh Tabarsi fort, Hussein Ali Baha was spending his time having relationships with Gnosticism disciples and constantly thinking of chairmanship and kingdom. From that time on, he was thinking of conquering the world and being the king. He thought that if he harms Iran, he will be the king. He was daydreaming for years.

     After a while, he called Karim Khan Mafi who was one of his disciples and Shared the issue. After a lot of exaggeration, Baha gave him fifty Tumans, horse, sword and gun and commissioned him to murder the king Karim Khan took them and secretly escaped to Islambul. When the Excellency Mirza Hussein Ali Baha realized that he hasn’t achieve his goal, he called Muhammad Sadeq Tabrizi who was one of the Bayani faithful people and was the Excellency Mulla Sheikh Ali Azim’s student and was ready to be devoted for the faith and intrigued him by saying that the Excellency Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal, Baha’s brother and Bab’s successor urges this issue –while it was quite false and aspersion. So, Muhammad Sadeq Tabrizi accepted and overtook other disciples and that adventure happened. If you haven’t seen, you have surely heard that the great sedition happened for the Bayani people. Many dignitaries were reprehended such as the Excellency Azim (Mulla Sheikh Ali) and Jenab Khan and Mirza Qorban Ali and Soleyman Khan and Mirza Soleyman Khan and the like. Nearly eight people were martyred. Many houses were destroyed and a large number of properties were plundered.

     This is the first sedition and discord excited by Hussein Ali Baha, Abbas Effendi’s father. After exciting the sedition, he denied.

     In order to confirm Mahd Oliya and Baha’s sister’s statement concerning Baha’s vital role in planning Naseruddin Shah’s assassination, several notes must be added: Mirza Agha Khan Nouri was threatened by Baha after Bab’s murder concerning the sedition which the Qajar government was unable to control it; going and seeking asylum to the Russian embassy in Zargandeh city after the assassination adventure and befriending and having social relationship with Sheikh Ali Azim (who executed as the leader and the one who gave the order of assassinations) before the assassination adventure and eventually the great influence of Baha on Baha’is (including Azim himself) indicate that Baha has played a role (and even the first role) in the adventure of (king Naseruddin’s abortive) assassination. The explanations of the above-mentioned notes are as follows:

4)  Nabil Zarandi, the famous Baha’i historian narrates that Mirza Agha Khan Nouri has said visiting Hussein Ali Baha after Bab’s death: “It seems the sedition has been subsided.” Additionally, Hussein Ali Baha has answered: “It isn’t so. It hasn’t been subsided. Calamity and disaster fire will flame soon; so that all government rulers can’t put it out.[10]

     As we know, Bab’s execution on the lunar month of Sha’ban, 1266 A.H. was coincided with the last months of the military conflicts of Babis with the governmental troops. (that is, the Babi riots in Zanjan city) it was practically the last armed riot of this group in the country. The conflict ended in Babis’ failure 4 months after Bab’s death in Tabriz city. All armed and bloody riots of Babis in Iran ended by the decisive by Amir the great. From that time on, no serious armed operation observed by the Babis in our country except for two cases which were terroristic not an armed and social ones:

A.  Babis’ decision to assassinate Amir the great in 1267 A.H. (It wasn’t practical because the assassination plan was discovered and the agents were captured and executed. Hussein Ali Baha was exiled to Karbala city on the lunar month of Sha’ban, 1267 A.H. accused of cooperating with Babis)

B.  Babis decision to assassinate Nesiruddin Shah in 1268 A.H. which wasn’t successful. The Babi heads (including Hussein Ali Baha) were captured, imprisoned and executed accused of cooperating in the plan. Just Baha ( by the pressure of the Czar Russian ambassador) was freed and exiled to Iraq again.

     After the abortive assassination of Naseruddin Shah, Iran got totally insecure for the Babi cult and the rest of Babis against the Iranian government and nation anymore. (Basically they weren’t able to do)

Anyway, considering this issue that no conflict was created by the Babis after Bab’s death except for two mentioned-above terroristic operations, it should be paid attention that what was that severe threat done by Baha (after Bab’s death) against Mirza Agha Khan Nouri (the then outstanding statesman and the next Iranian chancellor) inclined that all governmental ruler were unable to control it?! Was it the governmental pillar assassinations? (that is, Amir the great, prayer leader on Fridays, and … the king) based on what has been said it is logical to be said that several years before Babis measure concerning the (abortive) assassinations of the king and Amir the great, Baha was aware of the assassination plans of the government pillars and he has even threatened one of the then statesmen. (Mirza Agha Khan)

5)  Baha’s behavior after the king’s abortive assassination was really doubtful (According to Abbas Amanat, one of Baha’i historian: “He hurriedly confirmer of the Iranian government suspicion ration with the terrorists. Amanat writes: “Mahd Oliya [king’s mother] was openly saying that Baha was going to kill his son… So, Bahaullah hurriedly went the Russian ambassador’s summer residence in Zargandeh city because he hoped to be safe in his wife’s brother, Mirza Majid Ahi’s, the Iranian secretary of the embassy, house. However, not only this measure increased the suspicion of being guilty; but also it exacerbate the chancellor’s situation.[11]

6)  The Baha’i sources narrate Sheikh Ali Azim’s (The one who is said to be the commander of terrorists) friendship with Baha and even Azim’s repeated intercourse with him before the king’s assassination; but they claim that Baha hasn’t agreed with the assassination issue.

7)  Baha’i sources claim that Baha has been really influential on Babis and it is necessary for us to accept that Babis’ criminal attempt on Nasiruddin Shah in 1268 A.H. has been against Hussein Ali Baha’s willing and idea. (more clearly, Baha disagreed about the assassination) Because if Baha protested with the assassination and prevented them, they wouldn’t do that action by having great influence on Babis. Nabil Zarandi narrates this statement tendentiously from Mirza Agha Khan Bouri who has said to his offspring about Baha:

     Bahaullah is so influential that his followers loyally obey what he says. They love him so much that they never oppose him. Even at midnight, none of his followers think to oppose his orders.[12]

     Nosratullah Muhammad Husseini, the contemporary Baha’i author, writes: “The Excellency Azim informed Baha about his plan concerning the king’s murder when the Excellency Bahaullah came back from Karbala. The Excellency Bahaullah prevented him performing the plan speaking with him decisively and reminded him about the ominous consequences of the plan; but Azim performed his plan although he held Baha in high esteem and believed in him deeply. Several irresponsible Babis attacked Nasiruddin Shah with firearm and sword in Niyawaran in the morning, Shawwal, 28, 1268 A.H. (August, 15, 1852) without consulting with Baha.[13]”it should be asked that: what is this “deep devotion and belief” that hasn’t been able to prevent Sheikh Ali Azim creating “a really momentous event” such as the king’s murder (which could have had really dangerous consequences for the cult) although Baha disagreed?!!why has Baha hesitated and let the severely dangerous measure happen naturally?!

     Sheikh Ali Azim is a person who is said to be in charge of the king’s assassination. For this reason, he was executed. It is interesting to be noted that Abbas Amanat, the Baha’i historian doesn’t consider Azim as the mere planner of the king’s assassination and assumes other heads of Babism as his partners.

     Pointing out the Qajar king’s assassination by Babis, he writes:[14]

     Anyway, it isn’t true to consider the event to be happened merely by several secluded Babis. The king Nasiruddin’s murder plane had been arranged by the rest of Babi leaders. Sheikh Ali Tarshizi who was more famous for his Babi title “Azim” and was the last surviving member of the first core of Babism and the official deputy of Bab wasn’t the mere performer of the plan. Muhammad Sadeq Tabrizi, the murdered invader was Azim’s servant and was undoubtedly influenced by him. Azim was trying to organize a united front. It isn’t unlikely that he has consulted with the other Babi heads such as Soleyman Khan Tabrizi, a military official’s son and several famous Babis about the plan for the king’s assassination.

     Contrary to a peaceful attitude which later on preached among many Babis in exile, all Babi activists believed in the war to extirpate the Qajar government. They believed that the armed resistance and the political criminal attempt are the shortest practical way to achieve their goals instead of peaceful arguments and ultimatum.   

     Maybe, the Babism heads thought that the king Nasiruddin’s death is the forerunner a revolution and the victory of the Babi modern order. The basis of the plane was the Shiite Judgment Day wishes in one side and on the other side, it was extreme poverty and anger. The anomalous gun which they selected; that is the pellet gun instead of the cartridge pistol and also the criminal attempt indicated the extreme poverty manners of the invaders. They were neither savage and foolish people nor the unknown and irresponsible youth”…[15]

     Maybe Azim unjustly took over the criminal attempt responsibility personally.[16]

     Of course, Abbas Amanat doesn’t mention Baha’s name and even according to Nabil Zarandi (one of Hussein Ali Baha’s disciples) claims that Baha “has prevented Sheikh Ali Azim performing the murder plan.”[17]

     Amanat’s reasoning and statement concerning this issue that Azim wasn’t alone in planning the king’s assassination and his cooperation with the Babi heads to do the task is quite acceptable. Because for a cult whose leader has been abjectly executed in Tabriz city; additionally his instructions such as his violent commandments in his so-called heavenly book and also his records including the armed riots in Mazandaran, Neyriz and Zanjan cities and his plane to kill Amir the great in the capital city, the revengeful measure of the king’s assassination was a natural issue and was considered in the direction of the previous strategy and it might be done due to the lack of receiving the Babi faith by the Iranian people and also due to the slow but quick death of Babi movement, according to the cult leader. Maybe, there was no way but extirpating the enemy government and saving the cult out of the dead and by this terroristic operation and surprising attacks to the government pillars. However, the issue that Hussein Ali Baha has disagreed with Azim about the event of the king’s assassination (having the cooperation background with the Babi agitators and the radical ones) is an unacceptable issue due to the above-mentioned reasons and it is even uncompatible with some of Abbas Amanat’s words and reasonings. In this regard, pat attention to the following notes apart from the suspicious behavior of Baha after the assassination event (concerning going hurriedly to the Russian embassy) which is specified by Abbas Amanat:

A.  In this claim, Amanat refers to Nabil Zarandi history, a work which has been compiled directly by Hussein Ali Baha’s supervision and its author reflects Baha’s word and statement and doesn’t add any extra matters or reasons. Baha himself is one of the accused people in the Qajar king’s assassination case.

     It is interesting to be said that Nabil history has written by Mulla Muhammad Nabil Zarandi (a Baha’i Babi) who had been entitled “Nabil A’azam” by Hussein Ali Baha. Nabil’s book has been summarized and translated into Farsi by Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khavari (the famous Baha’i proselytizer and author) entitled “Mataleul Anvar”.

     According to Saleh Molavi Nejad (Ishraq Khavari’s friend and co-worker) in the Baha’i magazine called Ahang Badi’a: The materials of Nabil Zarandi’s book was read by Mirza Agha Jan Kashani who was Mirza Hussein Ali Baha’s so-called “the inspiration writer” and accepted by Hussein Ali Baha. Hussein Ali Bouri was satisfied with the author.[18] It is realized by the book Nabil Zarandi’s history that what Nabil Zarandi was writing was being given to Baha.[19]

     Ishraq Khavari himself writes in the introduction of the book “Mataleul Anvar:” He is one of the old disciples who had served the Blessed Beauty [Baha] in Tehran, Baqdad, Adreneh and Akka cities.[20]

     Nabil’s deep infatuation and devotion to the founder of Baha’ism can be figured out by his poems which have been written to praise Baha in various occasions. For instance, he writes on the occasion of transferring Baha from Adreneh to Akka, Palestine:

     When he became fifty three

     He went to Qods for his fortuity

     It is dated Rabiussani, 20th

     The king went out of Adreneh with glory[21]

     There is an important poem written by him on the occasion of Baha’s birthday. In the poem, Nabil considers Baha is the world creator!

     Qarbal, the first from the year Forqan

     Moharram, the second in Tehran

     He was born from the invisible world

     The king was the creator of the world[22]

B.  Nabils Zarandi’s writing is mixed with political cult spites. Additionally, Nabil Zarandi has written its date in 1305 A.H. that is, nearly 40 years after the king Nasiruddin’s abortive assassination when the Baha’ism leaders were tried of years of separation and vagrancy and being far from Iran and they considered their political expediency as pretending to be the Iranian government’s friends. They even believed that their difference with Azalis is that they obey the Qajar government and avoid the hostile contacts but the Azalis not. They were doing such actions to be allowed to come back to Iran and to be free to be active. The following instance are the clear evidence of this policy:

     The Baha’s famous letter to Nasiruddin Shah (The king’s tablet) in 1286 A.H., various works of Abbas Effendi; such as, Sayyah personal article… (Compiled nearly 1303 A.H.)and the political epistle (compiled in 1310 A.H.) and also many remarks and writings by Baha concerning the necessity of the obedience of the Qajar government and not cooperating with the parties and movements opposed with the government during Mozaffareddin Shah and Muhammad Ali Shah’s period of time (stated in the various volumes of the book “Makatib” by Abdul Baha and other books).

     At that circumstances, the Baha’ism leader’s expediency in justified the king’s assassination in 1286 A.H. (which is considered as an unforgivable crime according to the Iranian government) was that the mentioned assassination was assumed as a wilful and individual measure not as a planned movement by the Baha’ism leaders. (Hussein Ali Baha was considered as one of the members and outstanding ones)[23]

     It is interesting to be noted that Abbas Amanat himself clearly confess that the Baha’i source remarks concerning the (abortive) assassination of king and its main agents are the political and cult remarks:

     The inexpertly planning and performing the criminal attempt would be considered as a foolish plan and the extreme disappointment later on by the Baha’i sources. Such statement was necessary for the rejection of a plan next decades.[24]

     The explicit confess by this Baha’i author made us not take too much longwindedness in this field. Note: Regarding the Baha’i source remarks claiming the Iranian government, the king himself (during Baha’s investigation and trial) was convinced that he didn’t play any role in the assassination event,[25] itshould be reminded that the historical evidence pose another adventure.

     Nabil Zarandi and Heydar Ali Isfahani (two outstanding authors and proselytizers of the cult in Baha era) narrate about the requisition of Baha’s properties and possessions by the king on the eve of being exiled to Iraq. Zarandi writes: “Nasirrudin Shah took the possession of the Excellency Bahaullah’s all properties in Mazandaran city.[26] “Isfahani also pointed to Baha and writes: “They arrested the Excellency Bahaullah and imprisoned him and took possession of him which was equal to half a million and plundered. Apparentlym due to the Russian government support, they couldn’t martyr him. They exiled him to Baqdad city.[27]

     Hassan Nowaqqar Baluzi (on eof the Baha’i heads in Shoqi Effendi and Mrs. Maxwell era) adds that the Qajar king decided life imprisonment for Baha: Nasirrudin Shah acted tenaciously against Baha’s brothers and sisters who had asked for Baha’s freedom. The king had decided life imprisonment for Baha.[28]

     According the above-mentioned reports (all of them are from the Baha’i sources), there are some questions: why would Nasirrudin Shah take possession of Baha’s properties and why would he decided life imprisonment for Baha (because of Dalgorki’s extreme pressures, the king changed the life imprisonment to exiling him forever to Baqdad city) and why would the Russia embassy be extremely worried about Baha to be afflicted by a criminal attempt during the way if the king believed Baha had not cooperated with terrorists? Additionally, the Russian embassy dispatched his agent with him to Iraq country. Moreover, why didn’t the king allow Baha to come back to Iran anymore?! (Although, Baha had tried several times to return to Iran)

     The continuation of the violence and assassination lines can be traced and detected in Baha’s report card after his exile to Iraq.[29]





[1] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khavari, Mataleul Anwar, Vol. 1, p. 317.

[2] Nicola (Monsieur), the religions of the civilized nations, The history of Seyyed Ali Muhammad known as Bab, translated by A.M.F (Paris, 1905) Isfahan, Bina, 1332, p. 463.

[3] Naseri Farsnameh, Ali Asqar Khan.

[4] Azieyyeh Khanom, Tanbihunnaemin, Tehran, Azaliyan, Bita, pp. 5-6 (Azieyyeh Khanom was Mirza Hussein Ali Baha and Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal)

[5] The history of the emergence of the Excellency Bab and Bahaullah’s religion, Mirza Abul Fazl Golpaygani, p. 21.

[6] Matale’a-al-Anvar, p. 592.

[7] The same, p. 610, also refer to the following Baha’i source: Bahaullah, the reality sun, Hassan Mouqer Baluzi, translated by Minoo Sabet, footnote p. 119, leaders and followers in the history of religions, Asadullah Mazandarani, the national institute of Amri press, 132 Badi’a, 2.488; the history of the faith martyrs, Tehran events, Muhammad Ali Malek Khosravi, the national institute of the faith press, 130 Badi’a, p. 41; the bright pearls, Muhammad Ali Feyzi, 1233 Badi’a, p. 43; His Majesty, p. 289; Badi’a century1.323. For non-Baha’i sources refer to Bab’s sedition, Etezadussaltaneh, explanations and articles by Dr. Navaee, p. 203.

[8] She died on the lunar month of Rabiul Awwal, 16, 1322 A.H. in Tehran city when she was 80 and buried in Ma’soum holy Shrine, Tehran city. Refer to the book who is Bab and what does he say? Nouruddin Chahardehi, p. 198.

[9] The following sources have stated the materials of the epistle: Bab’s sedition, E’tesadussaltaneh, explanation section, Dr. Abdul Hussein Navaee, 9. 216 on, Baha’is, Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Najafi, pp. 342-353; Nikou’s philosophy, 99-4.98; where and how does Baha’i originate? Seyyed Hassan Kiyaee, second edition, pp. 208-243; who is Bab and what does he say? Noruddin Chahardehi, p. 199 on; Baha’ism isn’t a religion, Abutorab Hodaee, pp. 32-44; Tanbihunnaemin, an answer to Abbas Effendi’s letter to his paternal aunt (Ezziyeh Khanom). Effendi’s letter is known as “the paternal aunt tablet” has been printed in Abdul Baha’s letters, 186-2.170. refer to Tanbihunnaemin & Baha’is, Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Najafi, p. 344.

[11] His Majesty, p. 289.

[12] Mataleul Anvar, p. 509.

[13] The Excellency Tahereh, p. 310.

[14] We have emphasized on the words.

[15] Refer to the book “His Majesty”, p. 287-288.

[16] The same, p. 298.

[17] The same, p. 288.

[18] Ahang Badi’a, 1351, No, 5,6,p. 49 narrated from: the introduction of the English translation of Nabil history, published in America. The author points to the materials which Nabil has written in Mataleul Anvar introduction and specifies that Mirza Aghajan Kashi (so called Baha’s inspiration author) has read my history papers and they have been accepted. Refer to Mataleul Anvar, translation and summary of Nabil Zarandi history by Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khavari, pp. 6-7.

[19] Mataleul Anvar pp. 448,449,575

[20] Mataleul Anvar, Ishraq Khavari’s introduction, p. 5.

[21] Noqtatul Kaf, Edward Brown’s introduction, footnote 3.

[22] The same, p. “Mj”, About Nabil Zarandi and his history also refer to the private Asrarul Athar, Asadullah Mazandarani, 5.199, on,Gohar Yekta, Rouhieh Maxwell, pp. 258-263. Meanwhile, according Molawi Najead: “As the main text of Mataleul Anvar was accepted by Baha, its translation and summary were done by the Excellency Ishraq Khavari which were accepted and appreciated by Shoqi Effendi (Ahang Badi’a, 1351, No.5 and 6, p. 49, narrated by: The introduction of the English translation of the famous Baha’i author and proselytizer narrates from Shoqi Effendi that Shoqi had said to him in Heyfa on Isfand, 119 that: “Nabil’s book is exact and correct. The Baha’i historians must adapt their history books to Nabil’s one. (The heart story, from Ali Akbar Foroutan’s diary, p. 179). It should be noted that Nabil history has been confirmed by the Baha’i leaders.

[23] These remarks existed during the occurring the assassination and Baha’s imprisonment in Tehran Prison and made the Bases for Baha and his foreign supporters, prince Dalgorki

[24] His Majesty, p. 623, footnote No. 27.

[25] For instance, refer to Mataleul Anvar, p. 617: “After many disasters and [Sheikh Ali] Azim’s confess in the presence of the government lords, it was proved that the Excellency Bahaullah didn’t inter vine in the king event.”

[26] Mataleul Anvar, p. 613. Also refer to the history of the faith martyrs, Tehran events, Muhammad Ali Malek Khosrawi, p. 70.

[27] Behjat-al-Sodour, p. 128.

[28] Bahaullah, the truth sun, Hassan Nowaqqar baluzi, translated by Minou Sabet, footnote p.119. also David Rouh’s (one of the heads of the cult in the current era) can be referred. He reminds pointing out Baha’s freedom from the king’s prison in Tehran city: “Mirza Hussein Ali Baha’s freedom commandment allowed him to come back to his house. However, he still hadn’t arrived at his house that his official lifetime exile commandment was issued by the king: It should be executed in a month from December, 15, 1852. He was ordered to leave Tehran city to a place beyond the Iranian borders. Simultanously, the official commandment for requisition of his properties was issued…” (Qumis Nour, p. 219).

[29] The contemporary history of Iran periodical; 12the year, No. 47 & 48, Fall and Winter 1387.

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