When the Baha’i who hates the Muslim Iranian nation finds an opportunity to commit a crime

Saturday, 04 March 2017 08:24 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

      Turning to suppression along with a violent behavior to create horror or to revenge the Muslim Iranian people is a method which is constantly observable in the organizational policy of Baha’ism due to the thoughts and teachings of the heads of the cult; although it seems weak due to the propagandistic measures of the Baha’ism organization that pretends to be oppressed.

     The Pahlawi regime and the Baha’ism doctrine were created by the intelligent service of their then powers especially the united kingdom in essence. For this reason, they possessed a special transaction; so that the special physician of Shah and his loneliness companion was one of the influential Baha’i person. Mordad, 28 coup was the peak for this bond and transaction. In the last days of the Pahlawi government, the confederate of the Pahlawi regime committed crimes against the innocent people and martyred several people with the excuse of not obeying the government which was dependent on the aliens.

     The Muslim Iranian people have been taught by their master and superior not to be tyrannized and to be free. The existence of such spirit caused the Iranian people to revolt against the armed regime headed and led by Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) and to conquer in 1357. The people’s enthusiasm and revolutionary spirits merged with imam Hussein’s (P.H.) revolution and caused the lunar month of Moharram, 1357 S.H. to be a turning point in the Iranian people’s campaigns.

     At those days when the Muslim Iranian people demonstrated in great numbers, the deviant cult of Baha’ism had forced the Baha’is to confront the people measures by all means ordered by the organization. The Baha’is supported the waning Pahlawi regime by each means of hostile measures such as shooting people.

     The people’s campaigns continued. It was the lunar month of Moharram. As the regime expected, people increased their presence in demonstration and demonstrated on lunar month of Moharram, 9 and 10 in great numbers.

     The massacre of people

     The Muslim people living in Sa’di quarter in Shiraz city demonstrated like all Muslim Iranian people. At that time, it was a village. In the village, several Baha’i families were living. They had moved there by the organization order. The organization tried hard to take the last steps because it knew that the Iranian heroic people are the winners of the battlefield and undoubtedly the Pahlawi government must leave the scene. Consequently, on Azar, 22, 1357 S.H. –exactly two month before the final victory of people- Baha’is committed a crime.

     What happened

     On 22nd of Azar, 1357 when the people of Sa’di village returned from demonstrating against the tyrannical government of Pahlawi in Shiraz city, the incident happened: A sergeant major called “Sefatullah Fahandej” who was born in a Baha’i family and has lived in the village and been in charge of the chairmanship of the village assembly for 10 years. He shot towards the innocent and oppressed Muslim people along with his offspring. Shootting each person, he shouted: viva Shah. In the event, 43 people were martyred and some became devotees. Now after nearly four decades, the people and the families of the martyred haven’t forgotten that tragic event.

     Why did the event happen?

     During the Pahlawi regime, especially the Pahlawi, Baha’ism was trying to have a quorum for their organization. The regime denied this action because it was afraid of the reactions of the great scholars and spiritual guides.

     The heads of the Baha’ism cult realized that the regime considered some considerations to recognize the cult formally; so they were seeking for another solutions. Eventually, they turned to making martyr option. In the annual congress of the Iranian Baha’i national assembly which was held in Tehran on Khordad, 1348, the heads off all the assemblies in the cities were secretly communicated to raise disturbances in appropriate ways and to act in a way for a Baha’i person to be killed to pretend they were oppressed. They also permitted the Baha’i students who were studying aboard to finish their educations within a year and to come back to Iran immediately to be employed in the governmental offices in order for the cult to be recognized formally.

    SAWAK became aware of raising disturbance by the Baha’i organization. Thus, it ordered the heads of anti-intelligent offices in Fars, Kerman, Sistan and Balouchestan to prevent disturbance and riot in these regions. Anyway, the plan wasn’t executed because of the community sensitivity and aware scholars and spiritual authorities.

     Several years later, Dr. Youkr Jiyagri, the raving member of the Universal House of Justice and one of 27 people who reliable according to Shoqi Effendi and the head of Baha’ism organization made a speech in Shiraz city and stated clearly that the organization needs to have a killed person in order pretend to be oppressed. So, they were to force the regime to recognize Baha’ism formally.

     All of the event caused Sefatullah Fahandej to rejoice as the chairman of Sa’di town assembly and to take such measure in an appropriate time. He had kept a Gewehr 3 gun in his house to do due to his presence in the organization.

     According to the letter, No. 533-6 dated 1351/11/28 in intelligent office of the police force of Shiraz city, Sefatullah had decided to make an attempt on his brother’s life-Alla’-who had discovered the falseness of the cult which had been made by the Colonialism and been dependent on aliens. Sefatullah had decided to pretend a Muslim is guilty to revenge the Muslims and to remove his brother out of his way.

     The more time passed, the less he could find an opportunity to achieve his aim. Eventually, on Azar, 22 , 1357 S.H. Sefatullah Fahandej could perform his ominous plan due to his rancor towards Muslims.

     The organization of the Baha’ism cult reaction to the event

     The Baha’ism organization has accepted and admitted the origin of the event; but it has tried to deny the label of being criminal and supporter of the dictator. Thus, it issued an statement to support and defend Sefatullah Fahandej because he was a devotee member of Heyfa-Israel- and he had been commissioned to obey the Universal House of Justice’s orders. It is stated in the statement that Sefatullah Fahandej has first shot to the sky and has then shot people’s feet.

     The question is that: How can the Universal House of Justice answer to the martyrs of the event and to the people who have observed it? After revealing the facts, how can the heads of the UHJ –who have been consider as infallible people by Baha’is- answer to these dishonesties and fallacies?



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