Baha’is are hateful according to Muslim because of their thoughts in negating Islam. Also, this faith is trying to avoid the religious scholars and to preach its belief for special people because the Baha’ism beliefs are vain.
Concerning using this method in Pahlavi era, Hussein Fardoust says: “During Muhammad Reza’s period of time, Baha’ism expanded in Iran surprisingly. They attracted people based on their motivations and areas of weakness. I was informed about some people who were indebted and the Baha’ism organization paid their debts to become Baha’is also misused women to attract the youth through the sexual affairs…” (The emergence and falling the Pahlavi kingdom, Vol. 1, p.210)
Hussein Fardoust, the emergence and falling of the Pahlavi kingdom, Bija: Ettela’at, 1370, Vol. 1, p. 210)
Also refer to Seyyed Hussein Ali Mousawi Zadeh, the proclaimers of darkness, Tehran, the Islamic propagandistic organization, 1392, pp. 285-323.