Two important notes are worthy to be mentioned:
1) One of the obstacles of inheritance is when the heir is atheist. So, all atheists are deprived of Muslim assets. All Islamic religions are agreed in this regard and the claim of issuing an anti-Baha’i judgment is quite meaning less. (Al-Khalaf, Vol. 4, p. 23; Al-Omm, Vol. 4/ 76)
2) If the Baha’is consider this judgment as an anti-Baha’i one, not inheriting a daughter from her father’s house is against women. (Aqdas, p. 23) while, the Baha’is introduce themselves as the defenders of the equality between men and women. (the Baha’i teachings, p. 36)
- Refer to Sheikh Tousi, Al-Khalaf, Islamic Publication institute, 1415 A.H.; Shafee, Al-Omm, Beirut, Darul Fekr, 2nd edition, 1403 A.H.
- Hussein Ali Nouri, Aqdas, (180 pages) Bija, Bina, Bita.
- The Baha’i teachings, the sermons of Abbas Effendi in Paris, dated November/14/1911, Tehran, 125 Badi’a.