The telegram network related to the Baha’ism organization announced its followers in a form of a notification:
“Dear friends. It is a long time that Hojjatiyeh association has penetrated into different groups and broadcasted its group link by the name of “a research in the Baha’i faith”. We ask you to block and report such cases quickly because this group isn’t of the friends; but they belong to Hojjatiyeh association.” [Telegram network of Baha’ism]
This message has two notes:
1) It is surprising for a cult which claims for the independent investigation of truth and freedom of belief not to let its followers to listen to the opponents’ reasoning and to prevent them to make wise decisions!
2) Although Baha’ism prevents its followers to investigate the truth and its weakness in proving its claims in theological issues, it is losing its forces and followers. Its followers are turning to Islam, too. Of course, this trend doesn’t belong to Iran. This process is continuing in other countries.
- Abbas Effendi, the Blessed Sermons, Western Germany, the national publication of Amri works in Persian and Arabic languages, 1921, Vol. 1, p. 152.