That day, his texts and calls started. He was so kind. He was calling minute by minute. He was asking my health. I said: Your affection reminds me Jesus. After a while, he narrated his life story: his parent were migrating to America and he was to become alone. He suffered from cancer and he was a Christian. He said the other day: He was a poet, too. I had been recognized as a supreme poet in such and such foreign festival. She brought his poems and read. Although I wasn’t poet; but her poems were ordinary; as if I had read them before! I supposed to be optimistic. Maybe, she was top and first among Armenian Persian speaking poets! We call each other. During these two months, I have met her maybe an hour. Everyday, when I was going, she was coming; but during these several moments, her communications and body language were interesting for me. She was trying to have the most effective contact with me. She was grasping my hands and didn’t quit by the last moment when she was going to leave. She was gazing my eyes affectionately. She was looking people’s faces; as if, there was nobody there. She was behaving me; as if, I was her mere friend. I was sure that she had two thousand friends. When I paid attention more, I realized that she was behaving other people so! She wasn’t intimate with mincing people. She was intimate with me and one of her other friends who was veiled. She was texting me and saying: Zahra, I suffer from pain. I am alone now and… why doesn’t God love me? Why has God left me alone?... I had no answer. I was harassed. I sympathized her. I was answering her jokingly. Gradually, her call lasted half an hour or an hour. Once, I listened to her life story. I had no time to listen to Mojan, anymore. I didn’t answer her call.
They were travelling too much especially to Netherland. I thought they were too rich. Her kindness was disgusting for me. I doubted. I referred to the mentioned-above veiled girl.
I asked her: Had Mojan called you very much? She said: Mojan is telling lies. She isn’t Christian. I have had many Christian friends so far. I have seen her brother’s wedding photo. There was a holy Quran, there. The instruments and photos of her house look like the Baha’i ones. My husband is a physician. He says: The drugs taken by Mojan aren’t used for cancer. Mojan didn’t suffer from cancer. She was a Baha’i! I had heard some contradictions; but I had ignored. I had no time to think about it. Now, I am regretted to pity her.
I have search about Baha’is more. They are good-natured, sociable and tender-hearted. They are responsible for their cult and organization. They become, intimate with you affectionately and make their made cult stick in your mind gradually.