Bestowing the “Sir” medal due to serving the British government’s interests

Sunday, 10 December 2017 11:00 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Mrs. Bani Dougal, how hurriedly you welcome the conviction of Iran in the 3rd committee of human rights of the general assembly of the United Nations. Why was the “Sir” medal bestowed to the Excellency Abdul Baha in the occupied lands of Palestine?

     She has surely studied and understood history when the “Sir” medal was bestowed to him when the Palestine lands were occupied by the British government. According to history, the medal was given due to supporting and espousing the British military forces by Abdul Baha and the Baha’ism movement to occupy the land against the Ottoman government. How can Mrs. Bani Dougal speak about the human rights while in a juncture Baha’ism cooperation caused many people to be massacred and the Israeli regime to be established?


     Instead of being overwhelmed with joy, it is better for Mrs. Bani Dougal to figure out the hidden reality of Baha’ism. Although she is aware of the issue; but she is care about the landlord like the Baha’ism organization.

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