The Baha’ism organization is trying to introduce its leaders as the divine proofs and to reject all the available reasons concerning the relationship between its leaders and the Colonial powers. Nevertheless, the Colonial powers’ meddling in the emergence and existence of the Baha’ism movement can’t be rejected can be considered in the ancient attachment of the founders of Baha’ism to the Colonialism.
As Mirza Abbas Nouri (the forged prophet of Baha’ism’s father) was the secretary of the price Imam Verdi (the 12th son of Fath Ali Shah and the chairman of the court kingdom guard). Imam Verdi was being protected by the Russian government and was the enemy of Qaem Maqam Farahani, Amir the Great’s father.[1] Mirza Muhammad Hassan Nouri (the elder brother of the made prophet of Baha’ism) was serving the Russian embassy as the secretary.[2] Mirza Majid (the made prophet of Baha’ism sister’s husband) was serving the Russian embassy as the secretary. His house belonged the Russian agency.[3] Mirza Abul Qasem and Mirza Abdullah Ahi (the Baha’ism forged prophet’s nieces) were secretaries in the Russian embassy.[4] Mirza Yusuf (the Baha’ism forged prophet’s maternal aunt’s husband) was one of the followers of Russia and had social contacts with the Russian consul.[5]
Yes, the extensive relationship between the made prophet of Baha’ism and the cruel Colonialism of Russia caused him to be called the spy of Russian Colonialism. He made and forged a religion to make differences among the Iranians in order for the Colonialism to dominate Iran. Consequently, he sought asylum to the Russian embassy as the first place when he raised a disturbance which ended in being imprisoned.[6] Thus, helping the forged prophet of Baha’ism by the Russian kingdom caused him to thank the Russian king after being freed from prison:
"قَد نَصَرنی احَد سُفَرائک اذا کُنْتَ فی السِّجْن تَحْتَ السَلاسِلَ و الا غِلال..."
“(O’, the Russian king) one of your ambassador helped me when I was chained and imprisoned…[7]”
Logically, it doesn’t seem these relationships to be accidental. It is good for Baha’is to think about this issue: what has been the czar Russian king’s reason for helping the Babi and Baha’i religion making rioters?!
[1] Refer to the specialized periodical “the Iranian contemporary history”, No. 49, the article of Reza Qaribi and Houshang A’ali Nasab, p. 168.
[2] A group of writers, the deviant cults, Qom, Mahdism technical center, 1395, S.H., p. 182.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Refer to the specialized periodical “the Iranian contemporary history”, No. 49, the article by Reza Qaribi, Houshang A’ali Nasab, p. 162.
[5] A group of authors, the deviant cults, Qom, Mahdism technical center, 1395, S.H., p. 182.
[6] Refer to Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the history of Nabil Zarandi, Bija, Mer’at publishing institute, 134 Badi’a, pp. 561-562.
[7] Shoqi Effendi, the Badi’a century, Bija, the national institute of the fath press, 122 Badi’a, p. 224.