"لا یَنْقطع الجهاد حتی ینزِلُ عیسی بن مریم"
“The holy war isn’t cut in my nation till the Jesus Christ is emerging.[1]”
However, this Baha’i claim has been stated while:
First, the Baha’i proselytizers have just mentioned the name of the book “Nasekuttawarikh and haven’t mentioned the volume member or pages! While this narration hasn’t been mentioned in any other tradition books. This book has been written in the 13th century and isn’t even considered as the historical resources. Anyway, how do the Baha’i proselytizers establish their theological bases on the traditions which aren’t existent.
Second, according to traditions regarding the emergence of the Jesus Christ (P.H.) along with Imam of the time (P.H.), The Jesus Christ (P.H.) will come as the companion of Imam of the Time (P.H.) and will pray after him and help. As the holy prophet (P.H.) stated:
"یَنْزِلُ عیسی ابنُ مَرْیَمَ فَیَقُولُ اَمیرُهُمْ اَلْمَهدِیُّ تَعالَ صَلِّ بِنَا، فَیَقُولُ اَلاَ اِنَّ بَعْضَکُمْ عَلی بَعْضٍ ُامَراءُ تَکْرِمَهً مِنَ اللهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لِهذِهِ الاُمَه"
“The Jesus Christ comes and their commander Imam of the Time, Mahdi says: Come and pray we want to follow you. The Excellency Jesus Christ says: The Almighty God has appointed you higher and superior to others.[2]”
Anyway, the claimant of prophethood in Baha’ism hasn’t ever seen Ali Muhammad Shirazi to follow him to pray!!! So, making forged traditions is one of alternatives of the Baha’i proselytizers.
According to the Baha’i history, the Babism leaders have abolished Islam in Badasht plain. Why do the Baha’i proselytizers adduce Islamic traditions and the Quranic verses for their claims.
[1] Narrated by the telegram networks of Baha’ism organization
[2] Sheikh Horr Ameli, Esbatul Hudat Bennususiwal Moa’jesat, A’alami, Beirut, 1425, Vol. 5, p. 227