1) All the cults which have been made after Islam and their writings which have been attributed to God have claimed for the abolishment of Islam and bringing new creeds. Consequently, the legitimacy of all these cults must be accepted if the Baha’i authors’ claims are accepted! The Baha’ism itself doesn’t accept the legitimacy of them.
2) Before attributing the writings to the Almighty God, their spiritual natures and their sending down by God must be proved. It is the wisdom’s duty to discover the reality. So, the holy Quran has invited people to refer to wisdom:
أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِنْدِ غَيْرِ اللَّهِ لَوَجَدُوا فِيهِ اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا
“Will they not then ponder on the Quran? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found therein much incongruity.” [Al-Nisa/82]
3) The holy prophet of Islam (P.H.) hasn’t just adduced the holy Quran verses; he has also demonstrated other miracles.[1]
4) If the Baha’ism so-called divine prophet’s writing was divine and the scientists believed in them, it wouldn’t be needed to be corrected?! As the former claimants of prophethood in Baha’ism have frankly confessed their leaders’ errors in their writings: “many tablets were sent down and investigated for errors to be corrected continually.[2]”
[1] For more study refer to the article: Reject the holy prophet’s (P.H.) miracles to justify, the inability of the Baha’I leaders!
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqads, Question and answer epistle, e-copy p, 59-60.