The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the universal house of justice states about the Baha’is approach towards homosexual people.
“The aim of the Excellency Bahaullah’s aim is to fulfill the organic unity of humankind and the Baha’is are obliged to remove every kind of bigotry out of their lives and to respect all people. So, each sort of aversion towards homosexuals is contrary to the spirit of the Baha’i faith. Additionally, Baha’is are obliged to defend and support the oppressed and must defend those whose rights have been violated… .[1]”
However, there are three notes that are as follows:
First: Although the universal house of justice has prohibited the homosexual actions apparently, the forged prophet of Baha’ism hasn’t practically forbidden it. As it is written in the book “Aqdas”:
"اِنّا نَستحیی ان تذکر حُکمَ الغُلمان اِتَّقُوا الرَّحمن یا مَلأ الامکان و لاتَرتکبوا ما نَهیتُم عَنه فی اللوح و لا تکونوا فی هیماء الشَهوات مِن الهائمین"[2]
“We feel ashamed to mention the commandment of homosexuality. Be pious in the presence of the beneficent God. Don’t commit what’s prohibited in the tablet and don’t be of the astonished in sensuality desert.”
Also in Baha’ism if something isn’t prohibited, it will mean that people are allowed to do it: “The lack of mentioning in the divine tablets means you are allowed to do it.[3]” while, the divine religions have opposed this action and have punished them to death.[4]
Second, defending homosexuality which will end in vanished human being generation, preaching mental and physiological diseases (atitis, AIDS, Syphilis and preaching other venereal illnesses and etc.) is defending vanishing human being generation. Also, defending this irrational and unwise action will end in absurdity of the teaching of conformity between religion and reason in Baha’ism.
Third, how is it possible for the foundation of the universal house of justice to consider Baha’is to be responsible for defending the rights for homosexuals; while they aren’t obliged to defend the rights of the oppressed people of Palestine???!!!
Yes, according to the Baha’ism worldview as if defending the oppressed kids of Palestine is meddling with policy and forbidden; but defending homosexual rights is the Baha’i duty!!!
[1] Translated and summarized message of the Universal House of Justice dated October, 27, 2010 regarding the Baha’i approach towards homosexuality
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, electronic copy, p. 104.
[3] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 42.
[4] The new Testament, Asatir, Tehran, 1383 S.H., the Luke 20:13; Imam Khomeini (P.H.), Tahrirul Wasileh, Najaf city, the second edition, Adab publishing house, 1390 A.H., Vol. 2, p. 470.