Sobhi was Abdul Baha’s writer for 12 years. In his book “the father’s message, he writes: “I was answering the Baha’is letters on behalf of Abdul Baha in favor of Baha’is. Because I was compensating many errors made by Abdul Baha. For instance, one day my father said to me: In a house in which two or three Baha’is were residing all wrote a letter for Abdul Baha. At the bottom of the written. One of the names was Mirza Mo’amen, Agha Beygom Mirza Mo’amen’s wife. The name Mirza Nabi Khan had been written under the name of Mirza Mo’amen. Abdul Baha received the letter. When he wanted to answer the letter and write the names of them, he was mixed up and wrote: Agha Beygom, Mirza Nabi Khan’s wife instead of writing Agha Beygom, Mirza Mo’amen’s wife. When the answer arrived at Tehran city, an uproar was raised. Nobody said Abdul Baha made a mistake, everybody said Agha Beygom has had sexual intercourse with Mirza Nabi Khan. Both of them became shameful and surprised.”
Like his father, Abdul Baha has been free of errors and infallible. There are many such error in the second leader of Baha’ism cult’s life.