Question: Why did the medal bestow to Abdul Baha?
A: Rejecting their leaders’ relationships with the Colonial England, the Baha’i proselytizers claim that bestowing the kingdom medal to Abdul Baha has been appreciating his humanitarian measures for providing provision for the people of Palestine. However, how can it be possible to be believed that the one who occasions the Iranian genocide during the years 1917-1919 has appreciated Abdul Baha due to his help to his enemy people?! Basically, how is it possible for Baha’ism to be a divine religion while it has been continually supported by the cruel and Colonialism?! “After finishing the war, the statesmen of the British government appreciated the priceless services of the Excellency Abdul Baha by bestowing him “knighthood” medal.[1]”
It is interesting to be known that the knighthood medal is being bestowed to people to take measures in favor of the British interests not to those who have helped the people of country. Do you believe that Abdul Baha was bestowed the “Sir” medal for his humanitarian aids to non-English people of Palestine?! It is the same Britain which killed great number of Iranian people when it occupied Iran during the years 1917-1919 directly and indirectly due to consuming people’s provisions! This genocide has been discussed as the Iranian holocaust in history.
Shoqi Effendi didn’t consider the Ottoman king as the Baha’ism enemy who decided to hang Abdul Baha after finishing the war against England?[2]wasn’t it the best opportunity for Abdul Baha to remove their common enemy with the help of the aggressive British people?!
Abdul Baha’s cooperation with England caused the Ottoman government to be angry with him and the Baha’is; so Britain decided to support his spy. As Shoqi Effendi has said: “Lord Curzon and other members of the British cabinet became aware of the adventurous situation of Heyfa. Lord Lamington also send an urgent report to the ministry of foreign affairs to attract attention to the character and the importance of Abdul Baha’s position when Lord Belford the then minister of foreign affairs received the report, he sent a telegraph to General Allenby, the commander of the British troops in Palestine to preserve the Excellency Abdul Baha and his family.[3]”
In the midst of World War I when the usurp British troops entered into Hefa city to destroy the Muslim government of Ottoman in the Middle East and standing against the oppressed people of Palestine, it confronted the lack of provisions and was to be defeated.
Abbas Effendi became aware of the issue and spoke with the top office of Britain to make them relaxed: “I have provision enough for your army.” He opened the warehoused door for the British troops and made them to defeat the Ottoman government in Palestine.
In this way, the British army could dominate on the region and support establishing a Jewish government in Palestine region.
It is interesting to be noted that Abdul Baha has considered the usurping dominance of the Colonialist government of Britain on Palestine land as establishing justice tent and thanked God for such a great blessing and asked God for the British Emperor grace, George V!! (Makatib, Vol. 3, p. 347, written by Abdul Baha).
"اللهم اید الامبراطور الاعظم جورج الخامس عاهل انکترا بتوفیقات الرحمانیه و ادم ظلها الظلیل علی هذا الاقلیم الجلیل"
[1] Shoqi Effendi, Qarn Badi’a, Bija: the national institute of the faith pres, 122 Badi’a, Vol. 3, p. 299.
[2] Ibid, Vol. 3, pp. 297-298.
[3] Ibid, Vol. 3, pp. 296-297.