As found out by investigating history, in the past, the atmosphere dominated on the majority of the community helped people join the claims for saving those who had asked for justice. Anyway, the first goal of the Baha’ism cult; that is, forming a great community wasn’t achieved. Nowadays, this cult has concluded by holding power lobbies along with planning and exact policy that it needs to provide and meet the short-term aims and to attract special people of various walks of life in order to increase its number and exert the organizational thoughts. Thus, the sensitive groups of society are at the top of deceit and attraction programs. These groups are as follows:
Although Baha’ism is exploiting proselytizing of people of all walks of life to increase its number; nowadays it has figured out by the development of science and exploiting the psychological experiences that to achieve a prone community to exert the organizational aims, it must aim the most basic part of the society. First, it can be figured out by investigating that the roots and bases of prosperity or even decline of a society are originated from elementary school and nursery ones.
The best time for providing a person to accept beliefs is childhood. This method is one of the best and efficient ones which causes a person to be formed according to what Baha’ism likes since childhood. This method is being paid attention by Baha’ism extremely to such an extent that the cult has established nursery schools, educational institutions and training the trainers based on the western patterns, holding various classes such as dancing sending audio-video booklets and files.
Youth and Teenagers:
To attract people, the Baha’ism organization has tried hard especially to attract the youth and teenagers. Generally speaking, this group is looking for difference and welcoming change and innovation. There are many young people who have been attracted to Baha’ism merely due to deceptive appearance of Baha’ism and forged morality.
Social and political disillusionment:
Those who are suffering from social and political disillusionment welcome each kind of disagreement. Baha’is are trying to attract such people by sympathizing with them.
Poor people:
The commander of the faithful, the Excellency Ali (P.H.) stated his son Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyeh:
“O’ my offspring, I am afraid of your poverty. Seek asylum to God due to it. Because poverty causes deficiency in religion, enmity and disturbance of mind.[1]”
So, the Baha’ism organization is trying to misuse this need extremely. Consequently, they try to attract the needy people by alluring them; such as sending gifts, creating money-making sources and etc. To attract people, the organization establishes NGOs or charity institute.
Open-minded people:
One of the groups of people who are paid attention by Baha’ism organization is open-minded group. Although in Baha’ism, people aren’t allowed to criticize, question, and disagree with the Baha’ism organization orders; which is ignoring thinking.
Attracting artists is very important for them because: 1) Artist possesses a sensitive spirit and is searching to find a way to express his/her artistic aspect. This issue is always misusing by enemies. 2) Artist are elected by kids, teenagers and the youth as their models; so Baha’is are proselytizing to attract artists misusing plays, poems, music and films.