A glance at the commandments and teachings of Baha’ism cult reveals that this cult claims for modernization by imitating the updated slogans and importing the means.
In this regard, we are investigate a humorous claim of the cult. It is said in one of the Baha’ism proselytizing sites: “One of the challenges between the Shiite scholars and the Baha’is was the Iranian bathrooms. Bahaullah had prevented people to enter into the reservoir of bath and the public bathroom in the Aqdas book. He had ordered people to use clean water. According to this verdict, the first shower bath was built in Abadeh, Iran by a Baha’is. After that the reservoir of Bathrooms were gradually replaced by the shower baths in small and big cities of Iran. Then Reza Shah announced using the reservoir of bathrooms as forbidden. To collate this problem, the Shiite scholars started opposing against the bath shower.[1]”
1) There isn’t any judgment by the scholars of Islam about the illegitimacy of using showers and the Baha’i proselytizers don’t have any document to attribute the reservoir of bathroom movement and opposition against showers to the scholars of Islam.
2) Although the forged prophet of Baha’ism has prevented people to enter into the reservoir of water; but he has order Baha’is to enter into unspoiled water which encloses all their bodies. So, he hasn’t mentioned using showers and the like:
"قد کتب علیکم تقلیم الاظفار و الدخول فی ماء یحیط هیاکلکم فی کل الاسبوع... ادخلوا ماء بکراً و المستعمل منه لایجوز الدخول فیه لا یجوز الدخول فیه ایکم ان تقربوا حماماه العجم من قصدها وجد رائحتها المفتنه قبل وروده فیها..."
You are commanded to cut your nails and to enter into water which encloses your body each week… Enter into unspoiled water and you aren’t allowed to enter into used water. Don’t enter into the Iranian bathrooms out of which stink come.[2]”
3) Attributing the first shower bathroom in Iran to Baha’ism is of the Baha’ism historic lies because the first shower bathroom was founded by Colonel Nikila Simono, the offspring of a commander from Napoleon army who came to Iran after Napoleon falling in the second half of Naseruddin Shah’s kingdom in Sadi street; so he became the founder of this issue in Iran.
4) Can the today Iran be compared with the time when Baha’is ruled Iran during Pahlavi regime? In the present time, the Islamic Iran has passed the Zeniths of science and technology during four decades of the Islamic revolution despite of all pressures and cruel sanctions.
O’ God’s sheep, compare and think:
Now, the Baha’ism must answer: Which viewpoint disagrees with modernization?
[1] Narrated by one of the proselytizing sites of Baha’ism
[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the book “Aqdas”, pp. 102-103, paragraph: 106.