Sen Mc Glinn was a Baha author, sculptor poet, thinker and a scientist who was born in Christ Church Newzland in 1956. He became interested in Baha’ism in 1974 and got a Baha’i. Then he became one of the members of the Baha’i community in the beach city of Kaikoura in the south of Newzland. Then, he went to Chatam Island as a immigrant. Then, he went to Netherland and was one of the members of the Baha’i community in various cities of Netherland. Mc Glinn was serving as an assistant and also the member of the local assemblies for a period of time. He is the active member of history and translation department of the Baha’i studies association (ABS) and one of the directors of the site H-BAHAI.
Accademic educations and studies
Mc Glinn is the researcher in Islamic and Baha’i teachings. He has Christian background. His M.S. thesis has been published entitled “Church (the religious foundation) and government in Islam and Baha’ism”. At the present time, he is passing his PhD. Thesis entitled “the investigation of the Baha’i institutions.”
Mc Glinn is an aware researcher who is trying to make other be aware of the realities existing in the Baha’i community by writing criticizing articles.
The reason for his dismissal from Baha’ism:
Sen Mc Glinn was the member of the Baha’i community from 1974 to late 2005 for 31 years. He was introduced as non- Baha’i and his name was removed late 2005 following the universal house of justice decision due to having criticizing views against Baha’ism. Some people believe that his criticizing views in the book “religion and government caused him to be dismissed. The truth is that the universal house of justice consider itself as infallible and never accept any- person to comment against it.