Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed Kazem Rashti used their claim for having relationships with Imam of the Time (P.H.) to prove their words.[1]
Seyyed Bab says:
یا ذاهل الارض انی قد نزلت علیکم الابواب فی غیبتی و لا تتبعونهم من المؤمنین الاقلیل و لقد ارسلت علیکم فی الازمنه الماضیه احمد وفی الازمنه القریبه کاظماً فلا تتبعوهما الا المخلصون منکم فما لکم یا اهل الکتاب الا تخافوا من الله الحق مولیکم القدیم... فیا ایها المؤمنون اقسمکم بالله الحق فهل وجدتم من هؤلاءِ الابواب حکماً من دون حکم الله حکم الکتاب هذا فیغرنکم العلم بعفوکم فارتقبوا فان الله مولیکم الحق علی الحق رقیبا..."[2]
He narrates from Imam of the Time (P.H.) that I sent deputies and gates during my absence days and a few people obeyed. In the past, I sent Ehsaee and recently I sent Seyyed Kazem and devoted people obeyed. What’s happened that you don’t obey the right.
Seyyed Bab has written in 1263 to answer one of his followers:
"وان ما کتبت بان باب الامام علیه اسلام لابد ان یکون مرآتا له فهو حق لاریب فیه کما ان الامام علیه السلام هو مرآت الله جل جلاله... و ان ما کتبت ان السید رحمه الله علیه ما ادعی حکم الذی انا ادعیت و لذا لم یظهر منه خوارق العادات فقد اشتبه الامر علیک و سمعت قوله فی کثیر الاوقات- و ایاک واسم العامریه اننی اخاف علیها من فی حق من یجیء بعده تبلک الاشعار فی کثیر من الاوقات: یا صغیر السن یا رطب البدن، یا قریب العهد من شرب اللبن..."[3]
What you had written about the issue that Imam’s gate must be Imam’s mirror is undoubtedly right because Imam himself must be God’s mirror. However, what you had written that Seyyed Rashti didn’t claim like me and his greatness and miracles hadn’t been seen is certainly false. I repeatedly heard him saying: Avoid saying the name of a sweetheart because I will be afraid of him/her. So; according to Mirza Baha Seyyed Rashti is a forerunner and according to Seyyed Bab he possesses the position of being the gate. What was claimed by Seyyed Bab has claimed by Seyyed Rashti.
The following are some important notes:
1) Sheikh Ehsaee and Seyyed Rashti who are considered as the forerunners for Seyyed Bab have written and said contrary to this issue: They have specified the finality of the holy prophet and proved the continuity of the religion of Islam and to reason for long lifetime and survival and emergence of Imam of the Time (P.H.) and to reject to answer narrating from a person who doesn’t believe in survival of the twelfth Imam.
2) According to Seyyed Bab: Both Ehsaee and Rashti are gates for Imam of the Time (P.H.). They have been sent from the Excellency to be intermadiary among people and the Excellency.
Consequently; after a short while, they became of the opponents of Ehsaee and Rashti and claimed for having a new creed for themselves and announced that Islam’s commandments and works have been all excommunicated.
3) Because Sheikh Ehsaee and Seyyed Rashti possess the title of Babism; so they are Imam’s mirror and their existence indicates and are mirror for the existence of Imam o0f the Time (P.H.)
4) Seyyed Rashti’s claim didn’t become clear well. The certain issue is Babism and his highest claims were prophethood and divinity.
So, Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed Kazem Rashti are rejecting Seyyed Bab and Mirza Baha’s claims proving the durability of the religion of Islam; additionally, Seyyed Bab and Mirza Baha have wrecked all struggles and aims of Ehsaee and Rahsti by presenting a new creed and announcing the excommunication of the religion of Islam.
[1] The Best Stories, chapter 27.
[2] 4th Zohourul Haghgh, p. 14.
[3] Trial and investigation of Bab and Baha, Vol. 3, pp. 152-155.