Abbas Effendi believed in the separation between political and religious powers. He has said: “The Baha’is don’t belong to the political affairs.”
As testified by history, the Baha’is have played an active role in the political affairs:
Meddling with the political affairs and war:
The following are several examples of the Baha’is interventions contrary to the slogan of peacemaking:
1) Being happy with Tel Aviv victory in 6-days war: Instead of condemning the Zionists as “the beginners of war and violators”, the Baha’is supported them in June 1967.
2) Ramadhan: on October 1973 A.D. coincided with the lunar month of Ramadhan, the army of the Islamic countries attacked the Zionists to take back their lands. The Egyptian troops passed the Suez Canal and the Barlow wall which was called unconquerable by the Zionists. The Baha’i press campaigned against war and destruction.
3) Bestowing Sir Medal and knighthood one by the British government and General Allenby to Abbas Effendi, the Baha’i leader.
Yes, these are some of the examples indicating the Baha’is meddling with policy.