According to the annual statistics, at least one million people are killing themselves across the world; that is one every second. Pretending various social events as political by anti-revolution media like the Baha’i network of Manoto has been strengthening while the people in charge of this network are trying to make people disappointed about various developments in the country centralizing on several interior statistics without considering the universal ones.
Although the indecent event of suicide is existent in Iran like many countries; but analogy between the reasons of this event and those of other countries is remarkable. Although these networks assume the central reason of suicide in Iran as the economic issues and not having job in Iran; but researchers have shown that the main reason for suicide in Iran isn’t related to economic conditions and the mentioned reasons offered by these networks are political rather than social.
The universal statistics indicate that the highest rate of suicide in the world has happened in the countries like Lithuania, Belarus, Russian, Ukraine and several Asian countries, America and western Europe. The investigations show that the null religious beliefs I these countries is related to the increase in suicide rate; for example, the ministry of defense in America announced in an official report that in the first season of the current Christian year, 120 American soldiers have committed suicide.
It is interesting to be noted that the religious beliefs and considering suicide as a great sin by Catholic and Muslim countries has caused people not to commit suicide when they become disappointed; but sometimes in some religions; such as for east religions, people are forced to commit suicide in group such as Harakiri and Falun Gong cult one.
Not believing in the day of judgment in Baha’ism has caused human being to achieve absurdity; while the Almighty God states in the holy Quran:
"اَفَحَسِبْتُم اَنَّما خَلَقْناکُم عَبَثاً وَ اَنَّکُم اِلَیْنا لا تُرْجَعُونَ"
“What! did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us?” (Chapter Mo’menoun/ verse 115)
However; it is interesting to be noted that some deviant cults are negating the day of judgment and considering death as the end of all things and causing their followers to achieve absurdity.
Many experts believe that the cultural factors such as collapsing the traditional system, imposing aliens’ cultural values can cause people to commit suicide.[1]