What do you know about the principle of leaving prejudices in the deviant cult of Baha’ism?

Saturday, 26 December 2020 08:22 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


According to Abdul Baha, there isn’t any difference between prejudice and being zealous stressed by the holy prophet (P.H.) and other prophets. So, the Baha’is must be totally indifferent about their various material and spiritual chastity. Undoubtedly the ignorant prejudice isn’t confirmed and interested by the freethinkers. This time, the Baha’is leader tries to achieve his aims by applying the word “Leaving all prejudices”.

“O’ God’s disciples, avoid the ignorant prejudices, enmity, public hostility and religious illusion which are totally against God’s religion and satisfaction and cause you to be deprived of the divine mercies…[1]

According to Abdul Baha, there hasn’t been any difference between prejudice and being Zealous stressed by the holy prophet (P.H.) and other prophets.

Religious, patriots and political prejudices are destroying the human rudiments and foundations. Religious is unique because the divine religions are real. The Excellency Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus Christ and the holy prophet (P.H.) were announcing and promoting reality. All of them founding reality. All of them were preaching reality. So, prejudice is false.[2]

So, why does Abdul Baha call his followers as God’s sheep (Aqnamullah)?

During the 12th century, two people who were called Bab and Baha were emerged and made the religion blond. They created many problems for the Muslims by their null claims and made a group of people misled. Fortunately, their matters are too null, meaningless and out of wisdom that everyone can figure out that Bab and Baha were foolish.


[1] Riyaz Qadimi, the marsh of the Baha’i teachings, pp. 366-367 narrated by Makatib by Abdul Baha

[2] Sermons of Abdul Baha, Vol. 1, p. 32.


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