The Baha’is are continually trying to hide their dependence on the kid-killer Zionistic regime; while in one of the evidence indicating close relationship between Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime; the former prime minister of the Zionistic regime “Ehud Olmert considers the existence of the Baha’is in Iran as the barrier for the army of Israel attack to our country’s installations.
While there are numerous documents which are indicating the close relationship between Baha’ism and Israel. One of these evidence is Ihud Olmert’s speech concerning the reason for Israel’s continence for not attacking to Iran. The former prime minister of the Zionistic regime Ihud Olmert has said the existence of Baha’is prevents Israel to attack to Iran hiding Israel’s fear of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He ensured the heads of the universal house of justice not to attack Iran respecting the Baha’is holy things in Iran.[1]