
News (1451)


Discovering more than 160 other graves of native kids in Canada. Unfortunately, the claimants of human rights are issuing statements of conviction continually for a criminal person while they are silent the anti-humanity crimes of church supported by the statesmen of government of Canada cannot answer the crime of genocide of the Canadian native people. How can this regime allow itself to consider the issue of human rights in other countries.


A glance at the guidelines of the Baha’ism organization helps the topic be figured out. The Baha’ism organization changed the explicit teaching of not meddling with policy by the Baha’is into the prohibition of meddling with the party policies[1]. Next, it tried by justification to legitimize meddling with policy and participating at elections… . However, all of these measures show the instability of the foundation of the universal house of justice into a political party!

Tuesday, 13 July 2021 06:01

Canadian statesmen must answer

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For several months, the discovery of the group graves of students and kids from Canada has become the news headlines. These kids have been separated from their native parents and have been taken over by the church in order to be educated. Now after years, their graves have been discovered and the third group grave of the kids have been discovered.


A cult which doesn’t consider any value for the non-Baha’is and assumes them as pebbles while false affection and cheerfulness are none of its proselytizing deceptive methods cannot reprehend speech hypocrisy!


The confusion and contradictions faced by the conscious and conscientious God’s sheep after Abdul Baha’s death (which rejected the origin of Baha’ism legitimacy) were to such an extent that according to Abdul Hussein Ayati (former Baha’ism proselytizer) the conscious and insightful people turned against Baha’ism and from that time on the followers of Baha’ism were called bigoted or ignorant.

Friday, 09 July 2021 08:18

Starting to exit the Baha’is from Qatar

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 In a measure, the government and official of Qatar decided to confront and exit the Baha’is and to add them to the black list.

After informing and explicating by the critics of Baha’is in Iran and revealing the ultimate fact and aim of making society by the Baha’ism organization in all the countries across the world concerning acquiring power and government in the countries and creating the universal government based on the septet protocol of Shoqi Effendi who has posed 7 stages for the establishment of the universal kingdom, the government and officials of Qatar decided to confront and exit the Baha’is and to add them to the black list.


 Concerning proselytizing the informal religions of the country at school, it is repeatedly announced by the people in charge: “If the students express they belong to the followers of other religions except the formal ones, this measure will be considered as a kind of proselytizing and their education is forbidden at schools.[1]


The Baha’ism leaders have emphasized on the necessity for not meddling with policy and have considered the extent of being Baha’i as not meddling with policy. While, the Baha’i leaders have been changed into a symbol for inexpert politicians by meddling with policy and cooperating with the Colonialism. Thus; according to the criterion, the Baha’i leaders aren’t considered as Baha’is.

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