News (1451)
The independent investigation of truth in Baha’ism whose consequence is being boycotted
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The punishment of excommunication is being done in Baha’ism while this cult has posed it as one of its teachings. However, the first step in achieving certainty and quitting imitation is hesitation following questioning. So, how is it possible for a Baha’i not to be allowed to ask about his/ her beliefs and the system of leadership?!
Baha’ism from the critics’ points of view – Sen Mc Glinn
Written by Super User
Sen Mc Glinn is one of Baha’ism critics who was blamed by the Baha’ism organization due to his criticizing views after being the active member of the Baha’i community for 31 years. His name was removed out of the Baha’i community members and was excommunicated decided by the universal center of Baha’ism (the universal house of justice). As an open minded and theologist, he was trying to criticize and clarify and strengthen the Baha’i teachings in order to make Baha’is know Baha’ism better.
Antichrist and Sofiyani, two signs of emergence
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Sofiyani is one of the certain signs of emergence; but Antichrist isn’t.
In fact, the Baha’ism history first introduces Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani as the Baha’ism founder and retells his measures. Then, it introduces Abbas Effendi and Shoqi Effendi as the leaders of Baha’ism history and explains about their measures
The violating of the independent investigation of truth in Babism commandments
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
How can Baha’ism introduce its theological foundation in the independent investigation of truth?! Investigating Bab and Baha’s history, we can figure out that the reason for Baha’ism disagreement with each kind of imitation is preventing people to obey the sources of religious authority and the Shiite scholars.
The majority of captivies in the recent riots were Baha’is
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The director general of the Islamic advertisings in the Eastern Azerbaijan said: Today you may think that Baha’ism is superficially absent or inactive; but you must pay attention to the fact that the majority of the captives in the recent riots have been Baha’is.
By: Saeed Baqestani
The Excellency Bab: “I don’t know about sciences!”
Mr. Abbas Amanat (is a member of a Baha’i family) is one of the contemporary historians who is living in the west. His attachment to Bab and Baha is obvious in his book called “Qebleh Alam”
The universal house of justice messages must be carefully paid attention. It is said in the universal house of justice message dated June, 2006: “If you act sluggishly in proselytizing, the life vessel of Baha’ism will be cut. Anyway, proselytizing must be done; but diplomatically. If you wasn’t able to proselytize openly, you must attract people in hidden manner.” The meaning of these sentences is that all the followers of the cult must proselytize.