A religion which causes massacre is better not to be existent; but Baha’ism is an exception!!!

Tuesday, 03 March 2020 08:41 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


After turning against Islam and announcing the abolition of it and also claiming for a new religion, the Babism leader has issued the commandment for the massacre and sever encounter against the opponents. The fierce nature of Ali Muhammad wasn’t similar to the principles in which his successors believed superficially later on. As Abdul Baha has considered a religion which causes massacre as better not to be existent! What has been the outcome of this massacre and crimes by Babis and then several-year abolition by Baha’ism?!



     Although the Baha’is are trying to pretend to be oppressed today and are considering claiming for Babies to be killed during Qajar dynasty as a document for them to be oppressed; but the existent documents concerning that period of time narrate another reality. Because the Babism leader ordered for his opponents to be massacred and encountered severely after turning against Islam and claiming for new religion. As Abdul Baha has said: “You must be fair. The followings are of the commandments of the Bayan (“Ali Muhammad Bab’s book): Beheading all people on the earth, making all books and writings fire, conquering the east and the west and destroying tombs.[1]

     On the other side, the forged prophet of Babis has explicitly confessed Babis’ fierce nature and written: “He resorted to four actions for the opponents and unlawful people; Beheading, making books fire, keeping out of non-Babis and destroying parties. Now, he changed the fierce nature to spiritual features due to the divine words’ grace and authority…[2]

     Now, what has been the consequently of these massacres and crimes by Babis?!


[1] Abbas Effendi, some extracts of the book Makatib, Germany: the national assembly of publishing faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 2000 A.D. Vol. 4, p. 221

[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Beauty tablets which have been sent down after the book “Aqdas”, p. 52.


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