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Preoccupation with Iran

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Preoccupation with Iran

The UHJ\'s preoccupation with Iran is not proving to be a good omen for the Baha’is. The Baha’i sites of every country contain more anti Iranian material than Holy writings. It seems that it is made for the purpose of instilling Anti Iranian feelings.

The Universal House of Justice is discussing how to contact the political leaders to defame Iran (in the matter of Yaran) and at the same time utilizing the meeting for Baha’i propaganda by gifting some Baha’is Books.  The UHJ members are openly talking with the Baha’is that Persecution of Baha’is in Iran is a blessing for them as it gave them the opportunity to meet different political leaders. In fact one of the UHJ members remarked that \'if the Iran problem is solved, then what?\'

Further, it has antagonized many Persian Baha’is as nationalism is more important for them than faith.

This obsession with the Anti Iran Govt propaganda leaves little time for other activities. A typical Baha’i LSA member apart from anti Iran propaganda has local politics, defaming other Baha’is, gossiping and merry making in the agenda. No wonder the faith has lost whatever spirituality it had.


It is clear that turmoil in the faith is deep. Relating the situation to the Titanic is not uncalled for. Most Baha’is can now see through the deception. Only hindrance is that they can\'t find a better social club to give allegiance. The current UHJ message is understood by many Baha’is as:

Message of \'Universal House of Justice\'

Ground Reality

Within communities of every size and strength, we are glad to see the processes of the Five Year Plan kindling the spirit of service and stimulating purposeful action.

Examples appear every day of how the act of reaching out to touch individual hearts, acquainting souls with the Word of God, and inviting them to contribute to the betterment of society can, in time, tend to the advancement of a people. This collective movement becomes discernible when the Plan\'s elements are combined into a well-coordinated cluster-wide effort, the dynamics of which are becoming increasingly familiar. Such a cluster becomes the setting for experienced believers as much as those newly introduced to the Faith, whatever their age or background, to work side by side, accompanying one another in their service, enabling everyone to participate

in the unfoldment of the Plan.

From the panorama of the Baha’i world engaged in earnest activity, one phenomenon strikes us especially: the decisive contribution made by youth on every continent. In this phenomenon we see the vindication of the hopes the beloved Guardian invested in them \"forthe future progress and expansion of the Cause\" and of the confidence with which he laid upon their shoulders \"all the responsibility for the upkeep of the spirit of selfless service among their fellow-believers\". We are struck, too, by the number of youth who, after only a brief association with the Bahá\'í community, commit themselves to meaningful acts of service and quickly discover their affinity with the Faith\'s community-building Endeavour. Indeed, in contemplating both the Bahá\'í youth and their like-minded peers, we cannot but rejoice at their eagerness to take on a measure of responsibility to aid the spiritual and social development of those around them, especially ones younger than themselves. In an age consumed by selfinterest,in which even spiritual affiliation is weighed in the scales of reward and personal satisfaction, it is heartening to encounter individuals from their mid-teens to their twenties— those upon whom the sights of an aggressive materialism are decidedly trained—who are galvanized by the vision of Baha\'u\'llah and are ready to put the needs of others before their Own. That such high-minded youth, by dint of their own exertions as well as the momentum they lend to the whole community, should be contributing so effectively to efforts everywhere under way bodes well for the anticipated acceleration of these efforts.

What has been accomplished in the past two years will, surely, be far surpassed, not just

in the concluding years of this present Plan but in the remaining years of the first century of The Formative Age. To spur on this mighty enterprise and to summon today\'s youth to fully assume the responsibilities they must discharge in this fast-contracting interval, we announce the convocation of 95 youth conferences, between July and October, planned for locations that span the globe:

There is no community of Baha’is. Baha’i Faith is an NGO, which pays its officers to work

The Baha’i contribution for betterment of society is NIL.

There are no believers in Baha’i Faith only officers and workers. And they are paid for it.

“Guardian”, please explain which Guardian? there are multitudes of Guardians in Baha’i Faith

If it is selfless service, stop the remuneration given to counselors, ABMs, NSA members and to the Baha’is for attending the conference. Ask them to pay for their lodging and boarding then see the attendance

It is a great lie.

You have accomplished some statistics which are falsely written by Persians

When the officers and workers get together, in language of NGO is called as PARTY, and in Baha’ Faith it is called as Conference


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