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Bab: Miracle worker? Not Quite

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Bab: Miracle worker? Not Quite


It’s the way of God that when He appoints an Apostle or a reformer on Earth, He arms His representative with miracles and knowledge of the unseen to add teeth to His Messenger’s claims. In this sphere, too, Bab was found out.

HAJI: I am not tied down to words; show me a miracle suitable to your claims, so that I may become your follower, and on my submission many will set their footsteps with the circle of devotion to you, for I am well known as learned, and the learned man will never follow the ignorant.

Bab: What miracle do you desire?

HAJI: His Majesty, the King Mohammed Shah is sick. Restore him to health.

The Prince: Why go so far? Are you not present? Let him exert an influence over your being and restore you to youthfulness, so that you may ever continue in attendance on our stirrup. We too, on witnessing the accomplishment of this miracle will resign this throne to him’

Bab: It is not in my power.

What should one say of the marked degree of his ignorance? Bab did not even have replies to basic questions on Islamic jurisprudence. Clearly Bab was not an expert in religious sciences, leave alone knowing the secrets of the universe. No wonder the Baha’is choose not to make public his books and only showcase selections from the writings of Bab.

Speaking of miracles, this is another test where Bab failed. He should have brought Haji back to youthfulness. Did he forget the incident of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) how he brought Zulekha back to her youthful beauty?

Bab’s ignorance and being incapable to perform miracles are clear signs that he was not appointed by God but was a false

claimant of Prophethood

On what basis should one accept the veracity of Bab’s claims?

Sourced from:www.TheBahaiTruth.com

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