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Connections of Baha’i faith to Foreign colonial powers (Politic)

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Connections of Baha’i faith to Foreign colonial powers (Politic)

The Role of Foreign Powers in the Origin and Growth of the Baha’i Faith

“God Passes By”. Author: Shoghi Effendi , First Guardian of the faith

Here we shall bring from this book the Baha’i connection with the imperialistic powers and how each has helped the Cause of the Faith.

Refer the incident of Manucher Khan in the earlier portion of this article

§ In the morning (following the killing of the Bab), the Russian Consul in Tabriz, visited the spot (of the killing) and ordered the artist who had accompanied him to make a drawing of the remains of the Bab as the lay beside the moat (page 38 God Passes By)

§ The Czar of Russia, a contemporary chronicler had written, had even shortly before Bab\'s martyrdom, instructed the Russian Consul in Tabriz to fully inquire into the matter and report the circumstances of starting a Movement (page 39 God Passes By)

§ A Russian poetess produced a drama called the \"Bab\" (page 39 God Passes By)

§ Baha after the assassination attempt on the Shah went and stayed in the house of his brother-in-law Mirza Majid, who at that time was acting as a secretary to the Russian Minister Prince Dolgourki and whose house adjoined that of his master. The Shah was informed of this and he, greatly amazed, dispatched his trusted officers to the region, demanding that the accused (Baha) be forthwith delivered into his hands. Refusing to comply with the wishes of the royal envoys, the Russian Minister requested Baha to proceed to the house of the Grand Vizier, to whom he formally communicated his wish that the Trust of the Russian Government was being delivered into his hands should be insured. (page 47-48 God Passes By)

§ The persistent and decisive invention of the Russian Minister Prince Dolgourki who left no stone unturned to establish the innocence of Baha in the Shah assassination case. (page 66 God Passes By)

§ The Russian Minister as soon as he was informed of the Imperial decision (to take Baha wherever he desired), expressed his desire to take Baha under his protection and offered to extend every facility for His removal to Russia…Baha mentions this in His epistle to the Czar of Russia, Nicholaevitch Alexander II, \"One of my ministers extended me his aid\". In yet another illuminating testimony Baha says, \"When this Wronged One was sore-afflicted in prison, the ministers of the highly esteemed government (of Russia) - may God Exalted and Glorified be He - assist them! My freedom was gained through the solicitude and the endeavor of His Excellency The Minister…His imperial Majesty, The Most Great Emperor - may God Exalted and Glorified be He - assist him!... extend to me for the sake of God his protection. On 1st Rabiuss Saani, 1269 AH, Baha along with some of the members of His family and escorted by an official of the Imperial bodyguard and an official representing the Russian legation, set out on his three months journey to Baghdad.

§ Sultan Abdul Malik of Iraq refused to countenance the requests of the Persian Government either to deliver Baha to their representatives or to order His expulsion from the Turkish territory. (page 84 God Passes By)

§ Baha had friendly intercourse with the officials including the governor of the city (of Baghdad) (page 74 God Passes By)

§ Colonel Sir Arnold Burroughs Kemball, consul-general of the British Government in Baghdad and offered Baha protection of the British citizenship, called on him in person, undertook to transmit to Queen Victoria any communication He might wish to forward to her. He even wished to arrange for the transfer of His residence to India, or to any other place agreeable to Him (page 83 God Passes By)

§ The Turkish Government had fixed as allowance for the maintenance of the exiles and their families. (page 106 God Passes By)

§ In Surah-e-Muluk (a tablet), Baha asserts his innocence and the loyalty to the Sultan (Abdul Aziz) and his ministers. He assures him of his prayers to God on his behalf. (page 109 God Passes By)

§ Baha was accused of having conspired with the Bulgarian leaders and certain ministers of European powers to achieve with the help of some thousand followers the conquest of Constantinople. (page 113 God Passes By)

§ Some of the consuls of foreign powers called on Baha and expressed their readiness to intervene with their respective Governments on his behalf. Baha expressed his appreciation for their cooperation as he himself says, \'The consuls of that city (Adrianople) gathered in the presence of this youth at the hour of his departure and expressed their desire to aid him. They, verily, evinced towards us manifest affections\'. (page 114 God Passes By)

§ A European General was granted audience along with the Governor to meet Baha. (page 122 God Passes By).

§ Abdul Baha visited Beirut at the invitation of a forum Grand Vizier of Turkey. His associations with the civil and ecclesiastical leaders of that city, his several interviews with the well-known Shaikh Muhammad Abdu served to enhance immensely the growing prestige of the community and spread abroad the fame of its most distinguished member. (page 122 God Passes By)

§ The community prospered in Ishqabad in Russian Turkistan assured of the goodwill of a sympathetic Government enabling it to establish a Bahai cemetry and to purchase and thereon structures. (page 123 God Passes By).

§ Through his intervention with the civil and military authorities, he succeeded in obtaining the freedom of his followers in Akka and in enabling them to continue to earn, without interference, the means of livelihood. (page 166 God Passes By)

§ The Spanish Consul a kinsman of the agent of an Italian steamship company in his love for Abdul Baha and his anxiety to avert the threatening, had gone so far as to place at his disposal an Italian freighter, ready to provide him a safe passage to any foreign port of his choice. (page 169 God Passes By)

§ At the invitation of the Lord Mayor of London, Abdul Baha had breakfast with him at the Mansion House. (page 178 God Passes By God Passes By)

§ Persian princes and noblemen and ex-ministers the Turkish Ambassador in Paris, an ex-Vali of Beirut, Turkish Pashas and ex-ministers and Viscount Arakawa, Japanese Ambassador to the court of Spain were among those who had the privilege of attaining his presence. (page 178 God Passes By)

§ In America, Secretariat of State, Ambassadors, Congressmen… and other eminent people attained his presence. Among them were the Dutch, British and Swiss Ministers in Washington,, the Turkish Ambassador in that city and the Prince of Egypt. (page 181 God Passes By)

§ The edifice (of Mashrikul Azkar at Ishraqabad) the foundation of which was laid in the presence of General Krupatkin, the Governor General of Turkistan who had been delegated by the Czar to represent him at the ceremony. (page 188 God Passes By)

§ The Oriental Pilgrim House, erected on Mount Carmel by a believer from Ishq Abad, soon after the embodiment of the Babi remains for the convenience of visiting pilgrims, was granted tax exemption by the civil authorities, the first time such a privilege has been conceded since the establishment of the Faith in the Holy Land. (page 192 God Passes By)

Source: www.BahaiFaith.com

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