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Illogical Baha’i Laws

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Illogical Baha’i Laws

The laws of the Baha’i faith some hover in the realm of the illogical. Please read and judge for yourself does Baha’ism appear like a revealed religion from God? Here are some:

Prohibition of Marriages:

Husayn Ali has abrogated the law of the Quran and he merely says that, \"I have prohibited for you the wives of your fathers and I feel shy to mention the edict on boys\"

It is permanently prohibited for a Muslim to marry a woman of the following categories:

1. 1- Father\'s wife, whether divorced or widowed,

2. 2- The mother including grand mothers,

3. 3- The daughter including grand daughter,

4. 4- The sisters including half and step sisters,

5. 5- The paternal aunt, whether real, half or step sister of the father,

6. 6- The maternal aunt, whether real, half or step sister of mother,

7. 7- The brother\'s daughter and

8. 8- The sister\'s daughter.

9. 9- Foster mother who has suckled him

10. 10- Mother-in-Law

11. 11- Step-Daughter

12. 12- Daughter-in-Law

13- Two sisters as co-wives

Does this mean that Husayn Ali permits marriages with others from (3) to (13)? Nowhere does he prohibits these marriages and this amounts to encouraging incest.

Shy to give laws - Homosexuality:

Hussein Ali was shy to mentions laws regarding boys or homosexuality:

We shrink, for very shame, from treating of the subject of boys. (Baha\'u\'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 58)

Isn\'t it utterly silly for someone to claim to be a \'manifestation\' and feel shy to mention the laws on boy? At least the Quran tells us what the law was, is and will be:

\"Of all the creatures in the world will ye approach males. And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay ye are a people transgressing (all limits)!\" (Quran 26:165-166)

I would sincerely like to see him shrink for shame. I couldn\'t stop laughing while typing this out!! Will it then not promote corruption and ignorance amongst the followers? Is there a precedent where any other prophets of Islam that has shied away as Husayn Ali did?

Double standards- Better move to the village for marriages:

Regarding the dower, Baha writes in Aqdas, \" No marriage may be contracted without the payment of a dowry which has been fixed for city dwellers at 19 mithqaals of pure gold and for village dwellers at the same quantity in silver. Whosoever wishes to increase the sum, it is prohibited to increase the sum beyond 95 mithqaals\".

Here again another silly law. One cannot marry until he comes up with the amount of money. If he cannot afford it, he should move to the village, coz its cheaper?

What if someone couldn\'t afford it, this would give rise to other vices such as adultery and fornication, coz they are far cheaper.

Surely these laws are not revelation from Allah (swt), they are Husayn Ali\'s own laws, which explains their silliness.

From Ablution to Absurdity:

Regarding the washing of legs, Baha says, \"Wash your feet once a day in summer and thrice in winter\"

Baha says in Aqdas, \"It has been ordained that every believer in God, the Lord of Judgment, shall having washed his hands, then his face, seat himself and turning unto God repeat Allah-o-Abha 95 times..Perform you likewise ablutions for the obligatory prayer\".

Can someone please clarify the objective of this nonsensical rule? We have seen how scientists, no less have praised the Islamic ablution in all its glory.

So what annuls or cancels an ablution? Guess Husayn Ali forgot to mention it? Can a Baha\'i take ablutions, thereafter have sexual intercourse then pray? Is the ablution still valid? Guess the Baha\'is would know this is if Husayn Ali had not spent so much time in prison and actually practicing what he claims is from Allah.

Punishment for Theft:

Husayn Ali writes in Aqdas, \"When caught for the first time, exile and for the second time, imprisonment, is decreed for a thief. On the third offence, place a mark upon his brow so that he may be recognized by it\".

So if the thief is exiled and steals again, how would the people in the new land know it’s his second time? Only if Baha’i law was implemented throughout the land, but which state in the world has ever had the Baha’i law in place?

Refurbishing house once every 19 years:

Husain Ali writes in Aqdas, \"You have been enjoined to renew the furnishings of your houses after the passing of each 19 years\".

Imagine God giving orders about when to refurbish one\'s house? What logic and sense prevails in this law, only Hussein Ali can tell us!


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