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Baha’is, Spies of Zionism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Baha’is, Spies of Zionism

Baha’ism falls outside the pale of a doctrine or a religious ideology and is therefore, a political group which is regarded as the enemy of the Arab people. ( 1 )

Even before Arab countries realized the role Baha’ism was playing in the flow of information and its overt or covert assistance to the Zionists and British, politico-religious experts in Iran were fully aware of the case and regarded it as a serious threat. Because , before that there were no such persons as Jewish-Baha’i in Iran. It was after close relationship was established between Abbas Afandi and the Zionists that a group of Jews registered their names as Baha’is. ‘Israel, the heart of the world’ was a common term invented by Showqi Afandi and frequently referred to by both the Baha’is and the Jews, a term which would shield interests of the two groups.(2) Following the expansion of the intelligence network of the Arab states and their sovereignty over their political and economic life and after a serious follow up and collection of sufficient documents revealing the subserviency of the Baha’i leaders to the Zionist agents, the Arab League gave priority to the issue of Baha’ism on its agenda of Arab sanctions against Israel. The result was that in 1975,Mohammad Mahjoub, the high commissioner of the Arab sanctions offices against Israel while in Damascus referred to Baha’ism as a movement advocating Israel and Zionism.

Even, regulations governing the organization of Baha’ism are manifestations of the spying nature of the outfit. For instance, Baha’is are the only so-called religious group who have set the condition of registration and preparation of a file in advance for those who wish to join their ranks.

Today, with regard to the number of Baha’is and their massive propaganda effort aimed at delivering mortal blows on moral values of the people the world over, and due to their subserviency to Israel and the role the Zionist regime plays in collecting information for the imperialists, it is crystal clear that the complicated structures of Baha’ism have not been laid down merely for the sake of an ideology or a religion.

After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 and disclosure of the activities of the ex-Shah’s information and security organization (SAVAK),(3)which was in itself an organization at the service of imperialism, a remarkable amount of documents were seized which further revealed the role Baha’is played in collecting information about the Islamic world and relaying them to Israel. Of course, the real role of the Baha’is as the spies of the Zionists has been fully realized by other Arab and Muslim states.

Some SAVAK Documents in This Connection  :

1. Report H6540 dated 47/2/24, Ja’afar Bahzadpour
at the Protocol Commission: “The Iranian nation is
further trying for its progress and has relations with
most of the countries of the world. But some of these
countries, mainly beloved Israel, and some European
states are more famous in the world and we should
further strengthen our ties with them. At present, we
are supporting Israel and opposing Arab and Muslim
states. God willing, the United Nations would recognize
us and then we would further increase our activities.”(4)

2. Report SAVAK H3/10465 dated 46/10/13, recently a group of Baha’is have come to Shiraz at the invitation of the national circle of Shiraz in order to conduct a census of all the Baha’is and send the result to the national circle and Beit-ul Adl A’zam ( UHJ ) in Israel.

3. Report H9864 dated 47/7/27, Ehsanollah
Mehdizadeh at the meeting of the Baha’i leaders: “We
the Iranian Baha’is have deposited some one million and
eight thousand tomans in the Beit-ul Adl A’zam fund.
Now the dear Baha’is are wealthy and therefore they
should no longer deposit their assets at Iranian banks
but rather in banks in Israel and Britain and allocate the
interest of their deposited money to the impoverished

4. Report H/14700 dated 49/12/1, text of a letter by
Beit-ul Adl A’zam, was read at a Baha’i session as
follows: “We dispatched 14 of the leading Iranian
Baha’is for a 25-day mission to Kampala (Uganda) in Africa, London, India and Pakistan. The ‘center of
promise (Haifa) appreciates the efforts you, the Iranian
Baha’is, are making. So far, the clerical circle has put
the information gathered about the Arab states and by
our London spies at the disposal of Israel since our
friends have gathered information from each country
they visited and since our friends are fully aware of
what is going on in every country.


1. Parts of the verdict of Egypt‘s supreme court on Baha’ism as a religious

minority in 1972. See TEHRANTIMES 1985, 64.4.28

2. Baha’is, page 741

3. SAVAK, the dreadful intelligence organization or the ex-shah’s regime

4. It should be noted that Bahais have their influence insome U.N. sections.


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