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Malaysian Baha’is and Links to Zionist Israel - Conclusive evidence

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Malaysian Baha’is and Links to Zionist Israel - Conclusive evidence

The author is not named but all references are given after the article. It is prudent to understand too that the Zionist movement started in 1776, a long time before the state of Israel was suddenly and intrusively born in Palestine (1948). 

In fact, today Zionism carries a general meaning. Zionism is not a religion but rather the combination of a hegemonic ideal and a chauvinist creed, seething with that aspiration. The objective of Zionism, under the garb of Judaism, is something beyond a theocratic rule. In reality, Judaism is a shield for Zionism. With the information we have so far gathered about Baha’ism, we can easily find out the close connection between ideals of this schismatic group and those of Zionism. The headquarter of Baha’ism is in a land where Zionism was imposed, both according to the hegemonic tendencies of imperialism. There are ample evidences that the old master of imperialism, Britain, has taken care of Baha’ism and called for amicable ties between the Baha’is and the Zionists.

It is with the same objective that the Canadian widow of Showqi Afandi in 1961,when she was still leading the Baha’is, said: “If I could choose, it is worth saying that I prefer this new faith could grow in this new land (Israel). In fact, I should say that our future and that of Israel are connected to each other like rings of a chain.” There are numerous documents available on the close links between Baha’i and Israeli leaders but open support like what was mentioned in the above is enough to show the extent of amity between the two sects. The Associated Press, in a report which was printed in Tehran Times on June 20, 1987, reveals open relations between this fabricated faith and Israel:

“Haifa, Israel (AP) – The Israeli government has recognized Israel as the spiritual center of the Baha’i faith, which has maintained its headquarters in the Zionist state for more than a century, the group’s leaders said yesterday.

The government also gave the faith the status of a non-profit organization exempt from taxes, paving the way for a 166 million dollar investment in new facilities, a Baha’i spokesman said at a news conference.

Energy Barnett, the Los Angeles-born secretary-general of the Baha’i faith, said the group would build a complex to house a library and study center in the northern Israel port cities of Haifa and Acre.

The two cities have served as the center for the Baha’i faith since 1844, when the religion’s ‘prophet’ and founder Bahaullah fled persecution in which was then Persia, present-day Iran.

Barrett said the new facilities would be financed from small contributions by Baha’i members in 140 countries, most of them in the Third World.” After constitution of the Zionism movement conference in 1898 in Bal city Tomansky, Jew orientalist published the holiest book of Baha’is which have been collected by Bahaullah founder of Baha’ism. In the same year the third conference of history of religion was held in Oxford University and researcher Rozenberg represented his study entitled Baha’i-religion and its spiritual and social behavior. In 1908, Jew Helmut Dryfus published the book of Baha’ism, history and its social values in Paris and since then Zionist-Jews’ contributions and donations for constructing the main center of Baha’is (Mashreq-ul Azkar-al Bahaian ) in Agra has been going on. From 1909 to 1912 Abbas Afandi (Abdul Baha ) accepted leaders of the Zionism movement in his headquarter located in Mount Carmal ( i.e. president and his wife). (1)

Sir Herbert Samuel

In 1920, when according to an accord signed in San Remo, Palestine was brought under the mandate of Britain, the British government spread its domination in this region and appointed Sir Herbert Samuel, from a famous Jewish family of Britain, as the first High Commissioner in Palestine. Sir Herbert had very close relations with the Baha’is and attended Abbas Afandi’s funeral procession with ‘deep’ sorrow. After the rapid influx of Jews to Palestine and Arab uprisings in 1921, the Baha’is openly supported the ‘British-Zionist’ plot and protested against any opposition on the part of the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, the Arab Muslims.

In an official letter to the head of the special commission of the United Nations, Showqi Afandi made no reference to the legitimate rights of Palestinians and those of other Arab Muslims as if he had never been witness to the massacre and torture of thousands of Arabs by the British-Zionist forces . (2)In his message, he claimed that attachments of Jews and Baha’is to Palestine were deeper than those of Muslims! The most interesting section of Showqi’s letter is the part that says: “Our objective is to perpetuate a general peace in the whole world and our ideal is to witness promulgation of justice in all aspects of human life, including in political affairs. Since a large number of our followers are of Jewish and Muslim origin, the Baha’i sect has no prejudice against the two groups and is rather willing to establish peace and compromise between them to their own advantage and to the advantage of the country.”

In this part of the letter, which seemingly includes progressive ideas, contradictory points could be noticed. First, is it right to refer to making Muslim Palestinians homeless and spying for the British government, as well as meeting Zionist leaders prior to the formation of Israel, promulgation of justice in all aspects of human life? Secondly, is the torture of oppressed Palestinians whose legitimate rights over the sovereignty of their homeland has been violated, the perpetuation of general peace in the whole world for which the Baha’is act as a liaison? Another point is that the precedessors of Baha’is and Babis were seemingly Muslims and not Jewish, and therefore were ostracized by the Muslims.

Some years after the illegitimate birth of Israel in Palestine on May 14, 1948, the First Secretary of the International Baha’i Council wrote a letter to the Baha’i circle in Iran on May 3. 1954 in which he reported a meeting between Showqi Afandi and the Israeli president on April 26, 1954

the Israeli president

“On that historic day, the president and his wife received the First Secretary at the special hall and after a few minutes the president and his companions left for the blessed residence of the Vali-e Amrollah (The guardian) (Showqi ) who kindly received the president and his entourage. During the unofficial and friendly talks, Vali-e Amrollah ( The guardian) outlined objectives and ideals of Baha’ism and informed him of the friendly feelings Baha’is had towards Israel and wished them success and prosperity for Israel. Meanwhile, the president noted that a few years ago when together with his wife he had travelled around the country, he had met Abdol Baha…” In his Tablet Now Ruz 108 Badi, addressing the Baha’is, he outlined the opinion of Baha’ism on the formation of Israel as follows:

“The evidence of God’s promise to the children of Khalil (Abraham ) and heirs of Kalim (Moses) was revealed and the Israeli government was formed in Qods and established ties with the international center of Baha’is. It exempted the Baha’is from paying taxes and officially recognized their holidays.”(3) In fact, could the Baha’is, followers of a fabricated creed, continue their life without total support from imperialism and Zionism? The international board at Haifa in a letter to the national circle of the Baha’is in Iran on July 1, 1952described Showqi Afandi’s relations with Israel as follows: “Relations of the system with Vali-e Amrollah(The guardian ) and the international board of Baha’is are amicable and sincere. In fact, it is quite satisfying that achievements have been gained on the recognition of Baha’ism in this holy land.” (4 ) In a cable Showqi Afandi sent to the Baha’i circle in Iran on May 4, 1954, he enlisted the newly gained achievements of the Baha’is and also referred to his meeting with the Israeli president: ‘The Israeli president together with his wife after a reception” held in their honor at the holy resident of Abdol Baha, met the holy places at Jabal Karmel ( Mount Carmel). This was the first official visit by one of the heads of the European states …”(5)

A letter by the First Secretary of the International Council of Baha’is, dated May 3, 1954, is a proof to the fact that the meeting was not a simple religious visit: “ Monday 26, April 1954 , is a historical day for the Baha’is because on that day for the first time head of an independent state officially visited the Bab’s and Baha’s shrine and was received by Vali-e Amrollah (The guardian ) ( Showqi Afandi)


1. See TEHRAN TIMES, June 20th 1987, and also essay dated

64.4.28 narrated by Arabia Journal, printed in London

2. The full text of the letter was printed In “Baha’i News” weekly in

Sept. 1947, and volume 7 of Akhbar-e Amri

3. Towqiat Mobarakeh Vali-e Amr, page 290

4. Akhbar-e Amri, page 16, 1952

5. ibid, vol. 12, I952


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