Unuttered things about Baha’ism
The contemporary history of Iran has many unuttered things including the destructive role of the Baha’i sect in the political, economic and social developments in Iran. Thanks to the documents remained from the Pahlavi regime, very precious information on the treacherous activities of the leaders of the sect has been provided
to the scholars and researchers while the enlightening memoirs of a group of informed sources such as late Fazlollah Mohtadi, better known as Sobhi, Abdul-Husayn Ayati (former Avareh), Hassan Nikoo and others who were among skilful writers and propagators of Baha’ism, but became repentant and returned to Islam, can compensate for the research vacuums of the documents. Meanwhile, documents and reports existing at the Center for Documents of the Islamic Revolution make it clear that the more the Islamic Revolution approached to victory, the more the increasing and all-out influence of this colonialist sect intensified in all the pillars of the government.
“Fazlollah Mohtadi ( Sobhi )â€
Besides, Baha’is dared go more impudent in the society and academic forums to the extent they overtly took pride of
their dependence on foreigners and did not fear to express
it in public.