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Factionalism by Colonialists

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Factionalism by Colonialists

Old Russian embassy

There are indisputable reasons and witnesses evidencing that the covert and overt hands of colonialism were and are involved at least in continuation of Babism and particularly Baha’ism if not in the genesis of these sects. The application and efficiency of Shiite religion after the confrontation of theologians with the Reuter Contract and especially after the \"Regie\" event which led to the famous Tobacco Movement and triumph of the people and theologians, intrigued the attention of the colonialist powers who put the hiring of spies and different elements atop their attempts in order to take advantage of this issue toward achievement of their goals. At this time the claims by Bab and Baha drew the attention of the foreign politicians toward safeguarding the life of these sects as a potential seed that can pose a serious danger against Shiites, theologians and the system which safeguarded and propagated Shiite religion. That is why supporting and provoking these pretenders were put in the agenda of the colonialist states. In return the Baha’i and Azali leaders doubled their treacherous services to the Russian and British embassies so that under the patronage of the foreigners\' policies they could implement the plots and conspiracies which would make their businesses brisk on the one hand and draw satisfaction of the foreign actors and policy makers on the other.

Old British embassy

Therefore, the global arrogance once finding out that the Shiite religion and the culture of awaiting a savior and
Mahdaviat are the main obstacles against their hegemony on Iran, they took advantage of the ignorance and negligence of the people and other suitable grounds to create misleading sects thus trying to undermine the genuine Shiite culture.


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