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U.S. Support For The Baha’is

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

U.S. Support For The Baha’is

As soon as Abbas Afandi noticed that the British power was on the brink of decline, he turned towards America since he felt that the Americans were willing to cooperate with him. In his visit to the U.S. he said: “…Tonight I am happy to be in such a gathering. I am oriental but, thank God, have taken part in a gathering of westerners. Here there are people whose faces are bright with the light of humanity and this is a proof to the safety of such a gathering. This is also a proof to the fact that Eastern and Western nations may get united and that full links would be established between America and Iran.”(1)

Abbas Affendi even went beyond this and in order to please his American masters said: “The Americans would find no country more proper than Iran for their trade since Iran is rich in natural resources, all hidden beneath the earth. I hope that the Americans could be able to take this wealth out of the earth.” In his visit to Washington, Abdul Baha was introduced to many ranking American persons.(2)

U.S. President Lyndon Johnson

In 1967, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson sent a friendly cable to the National Circle of the American Baha’is on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Baha’ism. The letter with Johnson’s signature has been printed in the book The Baha’i World. The letter reads: “Your objective is America’s objective. To this end, Brand Scott, a close friend of Jimmy Carter, would visit Iran to make efforts for the recognition of Baha’ism in Iran.” In fact, Scott had been commissioned to collect the required information through Baha’i agents. For instance, in a confidential letter sent to all Baha’i circles in Iran it had been instructed that all military personnel serving in the imperial armed forces (of Mohammad Reza Shah) should be identified and their list should be sent to Beit-ul Adl and Baha’i circles in London, as well as to Brand Scott in the U.S. The letter noted that Scott had asked for the list but no one in the armed forces could have prepared it.

In his tablet numbered 8-6125, Abdul Baha has written: “America before God is an arena for spiritual insight and a country for the emergence of secrets, where freemen would gather. In this land, basis would be laid for the domination of the ‘Greater Name’ over a legitimate and valid system.”

Mohammad Reza Shah (Iran)

Therefore, American Baha’ism has laid the foundation for its constitution and through Israel’s Beit-ul Adl has propagated it the world over. It is for this same reason that the first constitutional circular was compiled by the Americans which was translated and put into practice by other circles in other parts of the world. In return, agents of Baha’ism in Israel undertook the responsibility of protecting the sect throughout the world.

Other U.S. Support  :

In 1962, a Moroccan court tried a number of Baha’is and sentenced three of them to death. Later, on February 18, 1963, a U.S. Senate representative delivered a speech in which he condemned the ruling of the court while praising Baha’ism and followers of this fabricated faith (document Akhbar-e Amri 1963 )

Location of Chile

Meanwhile, the U.S. subservients, including a member of the continental consultative delegation for South America and three members of the national circle in Chile in 1979 had a half-an-hour talk with the Chilean President Pinochet in which meeting, Pinochet expressed his deep interest in Baha’ism. He also asked for pictures showing propagation activities of the Bahais in Chile which were presented to him by the national circle. The report of the meeting and pictures of the visitors with the president were printed in all the five national newspapers of Chile. ( Akhbar-e Amri 1978).

The Hawaii state consultative assembly has issued an announcement addressed to the Baha’is in that state and praised their services and noted that Baha’ism was a service to all mankind. ( Akhbar-e Amri 1971). The mayor of Chicago also met with several members of the Chicago Baha’i circle at the city municipality. (Akhbar-e Amri 1968 )

U.S. Senate

Representatives of the American national circle met with President Johnson at the White House and presented him a book, prepared by the great Beit-ul Adl on Baha’ism. The same afternoon, the president sent a message to the circle in which he stressed: “Your objective is America’s objective. This is the desire of you and all benevolent people…” (Akhbar-e Amri 1967).


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