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Signs of a true Prophet

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Signs of a true Prophet

By: Dr. Mohammed Alam Qurayshi

There are thousands of beliefs, denominations, schools of thought prevalent in today’s society, each claiming to be the way to God. Some similar, others widely different. Each school has its own philosophy and its own approach to worship and seeking proximity to God. We all recognize that we choose the path He has ordained, but there is a marked degree of difference in the beliefs. Some believe in the Oneness of God, some duality, some trinity and some even believe in many Gods and worship idols. It is therefore important to identify the true path.

In order to guide mankind to His path, God the Almighty appointed Prophets who would show the right path to the people. They were appointed by God, obeying them was obeying God, rejecting them was rejecting God. God revealed His Message to them and they commanded absolute submission and obedience.

In Chapter 4: Verse 79 of the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty declared: He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah: but if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil deeds).

Thus, the one who obeys them will find salvation in this world and the world after, and the one who disregards and denies them would be subject to eternal humiliation.

But for the impious, this is an attractive position - a position which commands absolute obedience and submission. It was easy for the false claimants to speak of wondrous teachings, which could have easily been borrowed. The common man is selectively informed of the teachings, keeping the contradictory ones aside. So, God in His Wisdom, has provided Prophets with signs, by which the true ones can be distinguished from the false claimants.

And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs.

(Surah Maidah: 32)

These signs were such that none can obtain them on their own, but need to be granted by God the Almighty. Since this position is special and comes from the Creator, the signs too should be of that caliber.

A Prophet possesses the following characteristics by which his identity is established
(1) Prophecies in the books of Previous Prophets
(2) Divine Knowledge
(3) Divine Power (Miracles)

We will examine each one of these separately to understand if Bahaullah qualified as a Prophet.


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