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What Shoghi's Relatives say about him...?

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

What Shoghi\'s Relatives say about him...?



Born in ‘Akká in March 1897, Shoghi Effendi was related to The Báb through his father, Mírzá Hádí Shírází, and to Baha’u’llah through his mother, Ziyá\'iyyih Khánum, the eldest daughter of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. From the early years of his life, Shoghi Effendi was greatly influenced by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, who provided much of his initial training. Shoghi Effendi would pray at every dawn for one hour in his grandfather\'s room and learned numerous prayers which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá encouraged him to chant.

It was also ‘Abdu’l-Bahá who insisted that the appellation given to the child should be \"Shoghi Effendi\", (\"Effendi\" signifies \"Sir\"), rather than simply \"Shoghi\", as a mark of respect towards him. (Baha’i kipedia)

Shoghi Effendi’s Marriage

Shoghi Effendi was born, according to Baha’i sources, on March 3, 1896, after Baha’u’llah’s death in 1892. Shoghi Effendi was to marry his cousin Maryam, daughter of Sir Abbas Effendi’s son-in-law Mirza Jalal Shahid.

Shoghi Effendi backed out and married Mary Maxwell. Subject to verification she is the daughter of May Ellis Maxwell, nce May Ellis Bolles. Her husband was a comedian. He was not a Baha’i. After marriage she transferred her residence to Montreal. God passes by, P. 237; 239;

Mary Maxwell

She has never accepted family name of Shoghi Effendi she always maintained her family name Maxwell follower had given her title of Ruhiyyeh Khanum and Amatul Baha.

The Surname ‘Rabbani’

According to Mirza Muhammad Ali’s sources, to distinguish the issues of one Afnan from those other Afnan, Sir Abbas Effendi gave the surname of Rabbani to children of Mirza Hadi Afnan.

Shoghi Rabbani retained this surname until his appointment as the guardian of the Bahai cause under Sir Abbas Effendi’s Will and Testament, the Bahai World, 1926-1928, Vol. II, P. 84, in which he was designated as Shoghi Effendi. Effendi means Mister.

Secret activities of Guardian of Faith

Conversion of Funds for Private Use

Ruth White: The subject converted funds to his own use. The Bahai religion and its Enemy the Bahai Organization by Ruth White, the Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont 1929.

Ruth White says: “In the Autumn of 1919 I sent to Abdul Baha [i.e. Sir Abbas Effendi] an American Express Company check of Five hundred dollars and asked him to apply it to some of the many charities he was dispensing.

About four month after we arrived in Haifa as the guests of Abdul Baha. On the day before departure I asked Abdul Baha if he had received the check. Without a moment’s hesitation and very emphatically he said that he had not received it. He repeated this a number of times, and seemed indignant that it had not been turned over to him.

I discussed this with various members of the family of Abdul Baha, and one of the brothers-in-law said he would go to town and enquire about the matter. He returned and said there was no record of the check. When I returned to America I asked the American Express Company to look up the receipt of the check I had sent through their office, and on the back of it was the signature of the person who had received the cash. This person was Shoghi Rabbani [i.e. Shoghi Effendi].

I asked the American Express Company to Photostat this check for me, which they did. Herewith it is a reproduction of the check with the signature of Sh. Rabbani on the back. Here then is proof positive that Shoghi Effendi cashed out the check and also proof that the son-in-law [presumably Mirza Muhsin Afnan] who purported to enquire of the check did not do it at all. Otherwise, he would have ascertained in a few minutes from the office of the American Express Company at Haifa that the check had been cashed by Sh. Rabbani, as I had given the son-in-law the whole information, the date of sending, the name of sender, etc. All of which shows that there was collusion between the son-in-law and Shoghi Effendi. Circumstantial evidence also points to the fact that Shoghi Effendi used the money to go to Oxford University.

For immediately after cashing the check he departed for Oxford, this despite the fact that Abdul Baha did not wish him to go. Some may naturally ask: How could Shoghi Effendi have cashed the check unless he had authority to do so. This he may have had. Yet the fact remain that the proceeds were never turned over to Abdul Baha. My readers may, therefore, draw their own conclusions.”

The making of Shoghi Effendi


At the time of the passing of Sir Abbas Effendi in 1921, the only members of the Baha\'s family, unaffected by Sir Abbas Effendi\'s clutches , and were in good book  were Sir Abbas Effendi\'s full sister Sultan or Bahiyya Khanum, surnamed the supreme leaf (Waraqa-i-Bahiyya), Sir Abbas Effendi\'s wife lady Munira, Sir Abbas Effendi\'s four daughters, Sir Effendi\'s four sons-in-law.

It was in such circumstance that after the death of Sir Abbas Effendi, his will came to public in which Shoghi Effendi was inducted into office as Guardian of the cause under the terms of Sir Abbas Effendi\'s will and testament, for which no probate was taken out. Apparently an irregularity which set people wondering whether the will and testament is real…?

During his life span Sir Abbas Effendi had never declared him as his successor, since as per the Will and Testament of Baha’u’llah Mohammed Ali Effendi was suppose to take the chair of guardianship after Sir Abbas Effendi.

Pleading inability to enter upon the duties of his office forthwith to recover from the shock caused by the death of Sir Abbas Effendi, Shoghi Effendi withdrew his hand from the things, retired into solitude for a number of years, and left the actual handling of the Baha’i affair in the hands of the elderly members of the Sir Abbas Effendi\'s family with Baha\'s daughter the supreme leaf as a titular head, who served as a mere rubber-stamp, master minded by Sir Abbas Effendi\'s wife lady Munira, \"the she of Isfahan”.

On the one hand, the Father designates Muhammad Ali as “the Branch derived from the ancient stock, He whom god has chosen, the Most Great Branch, god’s proof among his creation, and the Sweet Savor of god between the heaven and the earth”, on the other hand, the son, Abdul Baha Abbas “the Center of the Covenant, the Most Mighty Branch, the Branch derived from the ancient stock”, brands Muhammad Ali as “the Center of sedition, a ferocious lion, a ravening wolf, a blood-thirsty beast,  and poisoner of others, a covenant-breaker, a kindler of discord, a shower of malice, a stirrer of sedition, a dishonor of god, and a temperer with the sacred writings”. Has  Baha’u’llah  erred in his divine judgment of Muhammad Ali ?

Shoghi Effendi came out of his retirement, took over the reins if the Baha’i administration, and demanded ready and implicit obedience from the servants of God, in default of which any servant of god was liable to excommunication or summary expulsion from the faith under same pretence and pretext. Shoghi Effendi brooked interference. His decisions were absolute and final and his words authoritative. As the divinely-ordained guardian all the faithful must obey him.

Source : http://bahaileaders9.blogspot.de/

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