Interesting \"Bayani Curse\" on Hussein Ali Baha\'u\'llah
In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful! O God, blessings and salutations be upon Muḥammad and the Family of Muḥammad; and the Majesty and the Beauty from God be upon the First Unity with exaltedness and the highest elevation! Amen! And the curses of God be upon Mīrza Ḥusayn ʿAlī Nūrī, the hell-firey, the antichrist and the splendor of Satan, the accursed, the damned; we take refuge with God from the totality of his black sorcery, tyrannical darkness and lies; and then the curses of God and then the curses of God and then the curses of God and then the curses of God and then the curses of God and then the curses of God and then the curses of God be upon him within the post-eternity of all post-eternities, in every moment, before every moment and after every moment from before and after, for “those who have tyrannized shall learn with what kind of an overturning they shall be overthrown†(Qur’an 26:227)! Amen!