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Frequently Asked Questions Part 2

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Frequently Asked Questions

Part  2

1- What happened in Badasht?

2- Why was Báb killed?

3- Who are Mirzá Yahyá Núri (Subh-i-Azal) and Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, (Bahá’u’lláh)?

4- How Bahá’u’lláh was not killed after his assassination plot?

5- How was the Baha’i division created?

6- Who is `Abbas Effendi, `Abdu’l-Bahá?

1- What happened in Badasht?

In 1844 Báb claimed that he is the gate of Imam Mahdi. Later in 1848 a group of Bábis gathered at a place called Badasht. The major leaders of this group were Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, Zarrin Taj and Mirzá `Ali Muhammad Barforush. They concluded that as of now, Islam is outdated and obsolete! Right away the title of Táhirih was given to Zarrin Taj, the title of Bahá’u’lláh was given to Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri and the title of Quddus was given to Mirzá `Ali Muhammad Barforush. The announcement, made Mulla Hussain Boshru’i furious, as a result he said:

If I was present at Badasht, I would have punished them with my sword11

Following the events of Badasht, Báb declared:

I am the Qa’im that you were promised to his appearance.12

Even after this, Báb claimed to be a prophet and revealed a new book named Bayán. Before his death, he took his series of claims to a new level and claimed to be God.13

2- Why was Báb killed?

As a result of Báb’s new claim and the events of Badasht, Nasser al-Din Shah who was the crown prince at that time, summoned Báb to Tabriz and questioned him about his claim. His attempts to answer the questions was futile, after 11 strokes to his leg, he repented of his claims (as the Báb or Imam Mahdi). He was not executed because of these claims which was declared mentally unstable14. However because of the magnitude of the nationwide chaos which he brought to Iran, he was executed later.15

3- Who are Mirzá Yahyá Núri (Subh-i-Azal) and Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, (Bahá’u’lláh)?

Báb appointed Mirzá Yahyá Núri – Subh-i-Azal – as his successor, thus Mirzá Yahyá knew himself as a Bábis person with no new claim of a new religion. However since he was an incompetent person, his brother, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri handled most of the affairs.

At his childhood, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri was taught science and basic skills by his father, close relatives and his private tutor, so he did not need to go to school. Having said, he was like Siyyid `Ali Muhammad Báb, and claimed to be illiterate and untaught.16

Mirzá Yahyá Núri (Subh-i-Azal)

Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri (Bahá’u’lláh)

How Bahá’u’lláh was not killed after his assassination plot?

After Báb’s execution, Amir Kabir (then prime minister) who was aware of Bahá’u’lláh previous actions for the Bábi movement, announced that Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri has damaged 25 million Rials to the treasury (half the cost of wars between Iran and Russia) and exiled him to Iraq. However after Amir Kabir was killed, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri returned to Iran and immediately plotted and aided an assassination on Nasser al-Din Shah (then King of Iran). The attempt was unsuccessful, leading to capturing many Bábis.

Oddly, all of Bábi prisoners were killed except Bahá’u’lláh! He had a guardian angel from Russia which told the prime minister that Bahá’u’lláh is a trust of Russia and no harm should come to him.17 Iran had to exile him and his brother to Iraq.

4- How was the Baha’i division created?

In Iraq, Bahá’u’lláh was taking matters in his own hand, and this infuriated Subh-i-Azal and caused a quarrel between the two brothers. As a result, Bahá’u’lláh left for the mountains of Soleimani.

His majesty was living there with special cloth and a dervish kashkool (a beggar’s bowl) and used the fake name ‘Darvish Muhammad’.18

He studied irfan and alchemy. After two years in the Soleimani Mountains he decided to come back to Iraq. Bahá’u’lláh requested permission from his brother Mirzá Yahyá Núri Subh-i-Azal.

There came the summons bidding Us return whence We came. Surrendering Our will to His, We submitted to His injunction.19

After his return to Iraq, because of the disturbance they made, Bábis were again exiled to Istanbul.

At 1863 en route to Istanbul, Bahá’u’lláh declared his perceived mission and claimed to be the ‘manifestation of God’, even though Báb prophesized that such a person will rise in 1511 years later. Along with Bahá’u’llá, 25 other people declared to be the manifestation of God.

When the declaration of Bahá’u’lláh reached to the Bábi population, it created a new division:

  • The followers of Subh-i-Azal, were named Azalis (or Bábis20).
  • The followers of Bahá’u’lláh were named Bahá’is

The division took the dispute between the brothers to a new level. The Azalis were exiled to Famagusta in Cyprus and the Bahá’I were sent to Acre in Palestine. Subh-i-Azal died in Palestine, Bahá’u’lláh died in Acre.

Bahá’u’lláh had other claims for himself, other than ‘Manifestation of God’, he knew himself as a mortal ant21, and at some times, he knew himself from the deities and as the God of all Gods.22 All his claims were made, while he knew Prophet Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets.23

5- Who is `Abbas Effendi, `Abdu’l-Bahá?

He is from the first wife of Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, Nawwabah. Bahá’u’lláh had three other children from his other wife, Mahd-e Olia, and his other son Muhammad `Ali Effendi was among them. According to the Will and Testament of Bahá’u’lláh, after `Abdu’l-Bahá, Muhammad `Ali should succeed him24, but after Bahá’u’lláh death, numerous disputes occurred between the brothers. `Abbas Effendi called the followers of his brother the ‘covenant breakers’25 and named themselves the covenants26. All of this happened while `Abdu’l-Bahá himself has said:

…fair notice should be given to a person that is crippled for nurturing his own children and family; How could we put faith in such a person’s guidance for all humans, is there any doubt and uncertainty for this matter? Indeed there is not!27

Abbas Effendi, `Abdu’l-Bahá

1- Tarikh Zuhur-al-Haq, Page 110

2- Zuhur-al-Haq, Page 173, footnote

3- Tablet of Heykal-al-Din, إن علیاً قبل نبیل ذات الله و کینونیته

4- Kashf-al-Qita an Hiyal-al-A’da, written by Mirza Abulfazl Golpayegani, Pages 203-204

5- Qarn-i-Badi, Vol. 1, Page 256

6- Asrar-al-Asar, Vol.1. Page 191

7- Qarn-i-Badi, Vol. Pages 318-319, Qarn-i-Badi, Vol.2, Page 33 and 34

8- Qarn-i-Badi; Vol. 2, Page 112, First edition

9- Kitab-i-Iqan, Page 278

10- There is no difference between Bábis and Azalis, since the Azalis’ were following the same beliefs that Báb has taught. It is only a matter of different naming.

11- Asar Qalam-i-A’la, Vol.4, Page 364

12- Makatib, Vol.2, Page 255

13- Ishraqat, Page 293

14- Tablets of Baha’u’llah Revealed After the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Pages 219-223: 222

15- ناقضین

16- ثابتین

17- Makatib, Vol.2, Page 182


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