book “Avaze Dohol†[The Beating of the Dram] by Masoud Basiti and Zahra Moradi in 12 volumes has been translated into English language by the site The book includes 12 chapters in 584 pages. Chapter 1, the independent investigation of truth, chapter 2: The oneness of humanity, chapter 3: Religion must be the source of unity, chapter 4: Religion must be in conformity with science and reason, chapter 5: The removal all prejudice, chapter 6: The equalization of the means of livelihood for all humanity, chapter 7: Establishment of a universal house of justice 8, universal compulsory education, chapter 9: A universal Auxiliary language, chapter 10: Equality of Men and women, chapter 11: Establishment of universal peace, chapter 12: The world of humanity is in the need of the breath of holy spirit. The book is ready to be read for the dear readers in the library of the site