Trying to have an influence on the market
For a while, the members of Baha’ism cult is gradually extending their economic activities. Using the financial measures, the members of the cult is controlling and distributing some household devices in different parts of the country.
Bahaismiran: In spite of not achieving their favorable results in the political domain of the country, the member of this deviant cult are trying to follow the economic measures of the country more activity in order to be influential on the economy of Iran. Concerning this issue, we were reported that in one of cities of Khorasan province Baha’is is doing creeping economic activities.
These people who are mainly Baha’is or related to the deviant cult of Baha’ism are going to be influential in the field of cosmetics and electronic audio and video devices.
Although these people should be said that once you possessed the monopoly of these item during the Pahlavi regime; but now the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a strong reality in the political scene of the world doesn’t let you and the Colonial power to misuse.