Helping the patients’ companion with predetermined aims
The proselytizing activities of Baha’is have changed dramatically; for instance; being present in the private hospitals and being vigilant for the patients and their families from other cities.
Rah Dana wrote: “The proselytizing teams of Baha’is have tested its proselytizing methods nationwide in different situations such as rural activities, social development activities having proselytizing approach, making friends, sportive teams, students, setting up non-governmental organizations (NGO) and having social intercourse with neighbors.
Based on the reports, the proselytizing teams of Baha’is attend in the specialized hospitals in Tehran city and speak with the patients’ companions. They help them financially and provide suitable accommodation. Then the Baha’is introduced them to the city rings to be present in the special meetings.
It is interesting to be said that the secret proselytizing is one of the tricks of Baha’is attracting people which has been announced in the message of the universal house of justice in June, 26th, 2006. The proselytizing team of this cult is related to Israel.